Proceedings of optical biopsy : 4-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Rinaldo Cubeddu, Sune Svanberg, Hubert van den Bergh, chairs/editors ; sponsored by European Optical Society, BiOS--Biomedical Optics Society, SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering ; under the patronage of Domokos Kosáry, Miklos Réthelyi ; hosted by Hungarian Medical Laser and Medical Optics Society, HUNGOPTIKA--SPIE Hungary Chapter, Semmelweis University Laser Center
(Progress in biomedical optics)(Proceedings / SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering, v. 2081)(Proceedings EurOpto series)
SPIE, c1994
Optical biopsy
Includes bibliographical references and index
SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering
SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering