This volume represents a range of approaches, both theoretical and applied, to the topic of emotion by neuroscientists, developmentalists, social and personality psychologists, and clinical psychologists. Readers should appreciate the diversity of questions and methods presented, as well as note the common ground that emerges in these discussions. Chapter coverage ranges from the neural bases of emotion to the role of emotion in psychotherapy. There are vigorous discussions regarding the concept of emotion, its role in development, and its application to contemporary problems such as violence and war. The papers in this volume begin a dialogue about possible intersections in the study of emotion from scholars who embrace sharply different perspectives on this complex topic -- a fitting tribute in memory of G. Stanley Hall.
Contents: Foreword. Preface. N.H. Frijda, Passions: Emotion and Socially Consequential Behavior. J. Panksepp, Affective Neuroscience: A Paradigm to Study the Animate Circuits for Human Emotions. M. Davis, Fear-Potentiated Startle in the Study of Animal and Human Emotion. N.L. Stein, M.D. Liwag, E. Wade, A Goal-Based Approach to Memory for Emotional Events: Implications for Theories of Understanding and Socialization. J.J. Campos, R. Kermoian, D. Witherington, An Epigenetic Perspective on Emotional Development. L.R. Brody, Gender, Emotional Expression, and Parent-Child Boundaries. C. Magai, Personality Theory: Birth, Death, and Transfiguration. E.T. Higgins, Emotional Experiences: The Pains and Pleasures of Distinct Regulatory Systems. D. Zillmann, Sequential Dependencies in Emotional Experience and Behavior. L. Capps, M. Sigman, Autistic Aloneness. R.G. Robinson, S. Paradiso, Insights Concerning the Cerebral Basis of Emotion Based on Studies of Mood Disorders in Patients with Brain Injury. L.S. Greenberg, Allowing and Accepting of Emotional Experience.
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