Radical Democracy addresses the loss of faith in conventional party politics and argues for new ways of thinking about diversity, liberty and civic responsibility. The cultural and social theorists in Radical Democracy broaden the discussion beyond the conventional and conservative rhetoric by investigating the applicability of radical democracy in the United States. Issues debated include whether democracy is primarily a form of decision making or an instrument of popular empowerment; and whether democracy constitutes an abstract ideal or an achievable goal.
Contributors: Stanley Aronowitz
Seyla Benhabib
Bogdan Denitch
Amarpal Dhaliwal
Barbara Ehrenreich
Barbara Epstein
Jeffrey Escoffier
J. Peter Euben
Richard Flacks
Nancy Fraser
Henry A. Giroux
bell hooks
Manning Marable
Chantal Mouffe
Michael Omi
David Plotke
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
David Trend
Ellen Willis
Howard Winant
Eli Zaretsky.
: pbk ISBN 9780415912471
Radical Democracy addresses the loss of faith in conventional party politics and argues for new ways of thinking about diversity, liberty and civic responsibility. The cultural and social theorists in Radical Democracy broaden the discussion beyond the conventional and conservative rhetoric by investigating the applicability of radical democracy in the United States. Issues debated include whether democracy is primarily a form of decision making or an instrument of popular empowerment; and whether democracy constitutes an abstract ideal or an achievable goal.