Stücke für Violine und Klavier ; Japanische Lieder
Koichi Kishi
Victor, p1994
竹取物語 : 貴志康一作品集
Sung in Japanese (7th-17th work)
Title on case: 竹取物語 : 貴志康一作品集
Words of 7th-8th, 12th-17th works by the composer
1st-7th songs are titled as: 七つの日本歌曲 (1934)
小栗まち絵, violin ; 坂本環, soprano ; 戎洋子, piano
Recorded on March 17, 18, 1994 at Takarazuka-Bega-Hall
Program notes and texts in Japanese laid in container
Compact disc
Victor: VICC-154