Dialogues of the Buddha
translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids
(Sacred books of the Buddhists / Pali Text Society, v. 2-4)
Pali Text Society, 1995
pt. 1183.1//TI5//446211400544620,
pt. 1BL/1410/.P3-4-2-1171341,
pt. 1183||Dia0107339,
pt. 1180-8-SS//2061200300184, pt. 1197S00280,
pt. 1180.8-Sa12-2100953115735,
pt. 1K/183/669627/20000669664, pt. 13号館ソウショB:145134800792014, pt. 1294.382/D5410571325276, Pts. 2-3 translated from the Pali of the Dīgha Nikāya by T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids Reprint of the 1899, 1959 (4th ed.) and 1921 eds Includes indexes Pali Text Society
Pali Text Society , Distributed by Routledge & Kegan Paul
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