Multinational corporations, OPEC, cartels, foreign investment, and technology transfer [microform] : special studies, 1985-1988 : [supplement]
[project coordinator, Gregory Murphy]
(Special studies series)
University Publications of America, c1989
マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))
Guide to the microfilm edition of Multinational corporations, OPEC, cartels, foreign investments, and technology transfer
関西大学 図書館 図
reel 1610740318,
reel 1M33/M-'88-1/M 140560600124788, 東京大学 社会科学研究所 図書 reel 1MF02:2-3:16510453613, reel 1ZFM333;M9268;150;0250013094, 名古屋大学 国際開発 図書室 国開書庫 reel 1M335.5||M||3-150082174,
reel 1335.5:Mu-29/HL0117003530407053,
横浜国立大学 附属図書館 社会 reel 1335.5||MU, reel 119600126543, A collection of government-contracted studies by universities, corporations, think tanks, and individuals Accompanied by printed reel guide compiled by Nanette Dobrosky, entitled: A guide to the microfilm edition of Multinational corporations, OPEC, cartels, foreign investments, and technology transfer
University Publications of America
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