The expertise of prominent researchers has been pooled to critically explore, in a digestable manner, a broad range of emergent areas and advances which impinge on management accounting practice. These include management control, operations management, computing and manufacturing technologies, activity-based costing, transfer pricing, strategy, investment decisions, performance appraisal and rewards, agency theory, creativity nd environmental adaptations, and accoutnability in the public sector.
*The Changing Nature of Issues in Management Accounting *The History of Management Accounting *Management Control, Organizational Design and Accounting Information Systems *Critical Management Accounting *Costing and the New Operations Management *Activity-Based Costing *Transfer Pricing *Strategic Management Accounting *Financial Justification of Advanced Manufacturing Technology *Management Information Systems, Computer Technology and Management Accounting *Accounting Measures, Motivation and Performance Appraisal *Introduction to Agency Theory in Management Accounting *Budgeting, Creativity and Culture *Management Accounting in Global Firms *A Comparative Analysis of Management Accounting in Japan, the USA, the UK and West Germany *Caught In The Act: Public Services Disappearing in the World of Accountable Management
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