Covering recent theoretical developments in industrial organization and public choice theory, this is a complete textbook for intermediate microeconomics courses. The mathematical development of results lends vigour to its traditional strength: verbal and geometric presentation of key concepts. The clarity and brevity of exposition that made the book popular have been retained.
Introduction. PART I: ELEMENTS OF THE THEORY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: Basic Theory of Consumer Choice. 1. Consumer's Surplus and Marshallian Consumer Theory. PART II: CONSUMER THEORY: FURTHER TOPICS. 2. The Individual's Supply of Labour. 3. The Allocation of Consumption Over Time. 4. Intertemporal Choice with Production Opportunities and the Role of the Capital Market. 5. Choice in the Face of Risk. 6. Goods and Their Attributes. PART III: PRODUCTION AND COSTS: Production and the Firm. 7. Properties of the Production Function. 8. Cost Functions. PART IV: COMPETITION AND MONOPOLY: Perfect Competition. 9. More on the Theory of Supply in Perfect Competition. 10. Monopoly. PART V: INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION: FURTHER TOPICS. 11. Price Discrimination and Product Differentiation. 12. Oligopoly - An Introduction. 13. Oligopoly - Further Analysis. 14. Game Theory. 15. Alternative Objectives for the Firm. PART VI: FACTOR MARKETS: The Demand for Factors of Production in Competition. 16. The Demand for Factors of Production: Monopoly and Monopsony. 17. Some Aspects of the Theory of Factor Supply. 18. Production Functions, Cost Functions, and the Demand for Factors of Production. PART VII: FURTHER TOPICS IN THE ANALYSIS OF FACTOR AND PRODUCT MARKETS: The Economic Analysis of Trade Unions and Bargaining. 19. Economics of Information. PART VIII: GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE: An Overview. 20. General Equilibrium in an Exchange Economy. 21. General Equilibrium with Production. 22. The Pareto Criterion and Competitive Equilibrium. 23. Taxes, Externalities and Public Goods. 24. The Pareto Criterion and Distributional Questions. PART VIV: SOME ASPECTS OF PUBLIC CHOICE ANALYSIS: Public Choice - A Brief Overview. 25. Voting and the Median Vote. 26. Interest Groups and Rent Seeking.
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