v. 1. texts183||Sac||440107460,
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文印哲 v. 1. texts小経||阿含||4-141195836,
v. 1 : textsDC19:294.382/M2770570841213, v. 1. texts183||P 17||41(1)195000126721, Bibliography: v. 1, p. 829-831. v. 2, p. 617-670 Includes indexes Vol. 1: Texts : Critical editions of the Tibetan Mahāsūtras with Pāli and Sanskrit counterparts as available / edited by Peter Skilling Vol. 2, pt. 1: General introduction. pt. 2: Introductions to individual Mahāsūtras Pali Text Society
Pali Text Society , Distributed by Routledge & Kegan Paul
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