Studies in comparative Germanic syntax
edited by Hubert Haider, Susan Olsen, and Sten Vikner
(Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 31,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1995-
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39600133741 English and German Vol. 1 contains selected papers from the 7th Workshop on Comparative Germanic Syntax held at the University of Stuttgart in Nov. 1991; vol. 2 contains selected papers from the 9th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop held at Harvard University in Jan. 5-6, 1994 Vol. 2 edited by Höskuldur Thráinsson, Samuel David Epstein and Steve Peter Includes bibliographies, and language, name and subject indexes [v. 1] ISBN 9780792332800 内容説明 目次 v. 2 ISBN 9781402002946 内容説明 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より
D. Reidel , Kluwer Academic Publishers (Sold and distributed in the USA and Canada)
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