This reference manual on the different methods of measuring dietary intake either in individuals or in groups of people in differing studies and under a variety of conditions, is the result of co-operation between the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) and a working group established within the framework of EURO-NUT, the Concerted Action Programme on Diet and Health of the Commission of the European Communities. Research in this area is increasing, especially amongst people with interests in basic biomedical sciences, internal medicine, dietetics, epidemiology and public policy at national and international levels. This manual, intended for international use, aims to set out all the necessary stages from deciding on the purpose of the study, through its design, to collection of data, analyses, interpretation and finally the presentation of results in a form suitable for the specific study and any decision-making. The work is intended to be used during the planning and execution of research and in teaching students techniques for the measurement of food intake.
It is designed to be of value to nutritionists, health policy makers, public health specialists and Eurocrats.
- Part 1 An historical look at manuals for food consumption studies: review of the original two manuals on dietary surveys published by FAO in 1949 and 1962. Part 2 Purpose, content and limitations of the manual: the purpose of an international manual on food consumption methodology
- the manual content
- using the manual
- limitations of the manual. Part 3 Definition of terms: basic concepts at various levels
- definitions of measuring techniques by type
- conversion of food consumption data into energy and nutrients by direct analysis
- definitions for basic statistical concepts. Part 4 Purposes of food consumption studies: purposes associated with national food and nutrition planning
- purposes with nutritional focus
- purposes associated with toxicological aspects of the food supply. Part 5 Methods for data collection at household or institutional level: principles of the methods
- practical aspects in household surveys
- practical aspects in institutional surveys
- uses and limitations
- treatment of results
- validity and precision. Part 6 Methods for data collection at an individual level: weighed records
- estimated records
- observed weighed records
- records combined with direct chemical analysis
- recall methods
- 24-hour recall
- dietary history
- food frequency
- retrospective dietary assessments
- combined methods. Part 7 Technical aspects of data collection: advantages and disadvantages of measuring and collecting data
- ethical considerations. Part 8 Conversion into nutrients: direct analysis
- use of food composition tables - general considerations
- use of food composition tables - at a practical level
- databases
- setting up a computerized database. Part 9: analyses, presentation and interpretation of results. Part 10: validity and reproducibility. Part 11: validation problems. Part 12 Obtaining food consumption data in special circumstances - additional consideration: areas or settlements which are remote or have difficult access
- population groups or individuals with disabilities which influence their ability to report on food consumption
- problems of surveying groups suffering from a specific disease or groups consuming a diet modified from the normal
- problems specific to developing countries. Part 13 Economic appraisal of various study designs and methods: the monetary costs of a dietary survey
- costs in terms of respondent burden
- maintaining co-operation of respondent
- labour costs of food consumption surveys. Part 14 Practical implementation: deciding on a study design
- preparations for data collection
- data collection, analysis and presentation. Index.
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