This book summarises current knowledge of the structure, function,biosynthesis and regulation of energy-transducing enzymes inmitochondria, chloroplasts and bacteria. Each of the twenty chapters is written by top experts in their field, and Prof. Ernster has ensured that the book as a whole gives a well-integrated picture of the present state of knowledge of the field at its different levels and complexities. Since the publication of Bioenergetics edited by Lars Ernster in 1984, (New Comprehensive Biochemistry Vol. 9) the whole field of bioenergetics has undergone a tremendous expansion. Additionally a transition from membrane bioenergetics to molecular bioenergetics has accompanied this expansion - due mainly to the spectacular progress in the field of molecular biology over the past twenty years.Hence this volume, Molecular Mechanisms in Bioenergetics, is certain to be of interest, not only to the specialist in bioenergetics, but also to researchers working in the various fields of biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology and physiology. Also of interest, this volume contains an historical introduction, including a list of earlier publications relating to the history of bioenergetics.
Historical Introduction. (L. Ernster). Thermodynamics and
the Regulation of Cell-Functions (H.V. Westerhoff and K. van Dam).
Chemiosmotic Systems and the Basic Principles of Cell Energetics
(V.P. Skulachev). Bacteriorhodopsin (R. Renthal). High Resolution
Crystal Structures of Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centres (J.
Deisenhofer and H. Michel). The Two Photosystems of Oxygenic
Photosynthesis (B. Andersson and L.-G. Franzen). NADH-Ubiquinone
Oxidoreductase (T.P. Singer and R.R. Ramsay). Progress in Succinate:
Quinone Oxidoreductase Research (T. Ohnishi and L. Hederstedt).
Mitochondrial Ubiquinol-Cytochrome c Oxidoreductase (H. Weiss, G.
Bechmann and U. Schulte). Cytochrome Oxidase: Notes on Structure and
Mechanism (M. Wikstroem and T. Haltia). Cytochrome c Oxidase: Tissue
Specific Expression of Isoforms and Regulation of Activity (B.
Kadenbach and A. Reimann). The Energy-Transducing Nicotinamide
Nucleotide Transhydrogenase (Y. Hatefi and M. Yamaguchi). The
Structure and Assembly of ATP Synthase (G.B. Cox, R.J. Devenish, F.
Gibson, S.M. Howitt and P. Nageley). The Reaction Mechanism of F0F1 ATP
Synthases (R.L. Cross). Inorganic Pyrophosphate and Inorganic
Pyrophosphatases (M. Baltscheffsky and H. Baltscheffsky).
Mitochondrial Calcium Transport (C. Richter). Metabolite Carriers in
Mitochondria (F. Palmieri and R. Kramer). The Uncoupling Protein
Thermogenin and Mitochondrial Thermogenesis (J. Nedergaard and B.
Cannon). Hormonal Control of Cellular Energy Metabolism (J.B. Hoek).
The Study of Bioenergetics in Vivo Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (G.K. Radda and D.J. Taylor). Recent Advances in Mitochondrial
Biogenesis (G. Attardi and A. Chomyn). Index.
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