The Tantrasamuccya of Nārāyaṇa [sic] : with the commentary Vimarśinī of Śaṅkara
edited by T. Gaṇapati Śāstrī ; with an elaborate introduction by N.P. Unni
Nag Publishers, 1990
Rev. & enl. ed
तन्त्र समुचचयः श्री नारायण प्रणीतः : शङ्करप्रणीत तया विमर्शिन्याख्याया व्याख्या समेतः
The Tantrasamuccya of Nārāyaṇa [sic]
तन्त्र समुचचयः श्री नारायण प्रणीतः : शङ्कर प्रणीत तया विमर्शिनी आख्याया व्याख्या समेतः
In Sanskrit; prefatory matter in English
Added t.p. in Sanskrit & Hindi
Reprint. First published in 2 v. by Trivendrum Govt. Press, 1919-1921
A metrical compendium of rules for temple architecture, sculpture, and rituals
Includes index
University of Tranvancore : Government Press , केरलविश्वविद्यालयः , University Manuscripts Library