The Parcella series is a forum for displaying research developments in East European countries and is also a meeting place for exchanging ideas and initiating steps towards a future of broad scoped East-West co-operation in a unified Europe. Advanced supercomputing and the obtained software technology are of great importance for the East-West technological co-operation. It includes applications like energy and raw material resources, planning and exploration modelling, material research (special metals, ceramics and semiconductors) and industrial super-computing. These proceedings contain several recent research results on the topics of mathematical foundations ofparallel computing, languages, programming, theory of algorithms, data flow, design of architectures and systems, memory and memory access, interconnection networks, routing, image processing and modelling, computational geometry, computer graphics, graph algorithms, fault-tolerant computing, neurocomputing and connectionism, optical computing, scientific computation, applications in biology, physics, engineerijng, manufacturing systems, program packages and problem solving environments supporting scientific computations.
Contributors include: S.Y. Kung (Princeton); P. Quinton (Rennes); B. Sendov (Sofia); N. Giloi (Berlin); R. Raghavan (Singapore); and Y. Fet (Novosibirsk).
With contributions by: S. Y. Kung (Princeton), P. Quinton (Rennes), B. Sendov (Sofia), N. Giloi (Berlin), R. Raghavan (Singapore), Y. Fet (Novosibirsk).
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