The sacred books of the Hindus
Sudhindra Nath Basu, Pâṇini Office
Sacred books of the Hindus
Translated by various Sanskrit scholars, edited by B.D. Basu
Variety of publisher's name: Sudhindranatha Vasu at the Panini Office
translated by Nandalal Sinha
Sudhindra Nath Basu, Pâṇini Office 1923 2nd ed., rev. and enl The sacred books of the Hindus v. 6
edited and translated and explained, with preface, introductory essay, and a map of the sacrificial compound at the Soma sacrifice by Martin Haug
Panini Office 1922 The sacred books of the Hindus Extra volume
translated by Swami Vijnanananda, alias Hari Prasanna Chatterji
Panini Office 1921-1923 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 26
pt. 1 , pt. 2 , pt. 3
translated into English by Rajendra Nath Sen
Panini Office 1920-1922 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 24
pt. 1 , pt. 2
translated by Śrīśa Chandra Vidyârṇava
Panini Office
The sacred books of the Hindus
v. 22,
by Śrîśa Chandra Vidyârṇava
Panini Office 1919 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 22 . Studies in the Vedânta sûtras and the Upaniṣads ; [pt. 2]
translated by a taluqdar of Oudh
Panini Office 1916-1917 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 17
pt. 1 , pt. 2
translated with an original commentary by Ganganath Jha
Panini Office 1916 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 10
translated by Śriś Chandra Vasu with the assistance of Râmâkṣya Bhattâchârya
Pâṇini Office 1916 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 14
by Benoy Kumar Sarkar ; with an index by Kumar Narendranath Law
Panini Office 1914 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 13
by Benoy Kumár Sarkár ; with appendices by Brajendranáth Seal
Pâṇini Office
The sacred books of the Hindus
v. 16,
book 1 , book 2, pt. 1
translated by Benoy Kumar Sarkar]
Panini Office 1913 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 13
pt. 1 & 2
translated by Rai Bahadur Lala Baij Nath
Panini Office 1913 The sacred books of the Hindus extra vol.
translated by Nandalal Sinha
Panini Office 1912 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 11
pt. 1
translated by Mahamahopadhyaya Ganganath Jha]
Panini Office 1912 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 10
pt. 3
translated by Rai Bahadur Śrîśa Chandra Vasu
Panini Office 1912 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 5
pts. 9 & 10
translated by a professor of Sanskrit (retired)
Pâṇini Office
The sacred books of the Hindus
v. 7,
translated by Nandalal Sinha
Panini Office 1912 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 11
translated by Swami Vijnanananda, alias Hari Prasanna Chatterjee
Panini Office 1912 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 12
translated by Rai Bahadur Śrîśa Chandra Vasu
Panini Office 1912 The sacred books of the Hindus v. 5