With this volume in honour of Don Walker, Linguistica Computazionale con tinues the series of special issues dedicated to outstanding personalities who have made a significant contribution to the progress of our discipline and maintained a special collaborative relationship with our Institute in Pisa. I take the liberty of quoting in this preface some of the initiatives Pisa and Don Walker have jointly promoted and developed during our collaboration, because I think that they might serve to illustrate some outstanding features of Don's personality, in particular his capacity for identifying areas of potential convergence among the different scientific communities within our field and establishing concrete forms of coop eration. These initiatives also testify to his continuous and untiring work, dedi cated to putting people into contact and opening up communication between them, collecting and disseminating information, knowledge and resources, and creating shareable basic infrastructures needed for progress in our field. Our collaboration began within the Linguistics in Documentation group of the FID and continued in the framework of the !CCL (International Committee for Computational Linguistics). In 1982 this collaboration was strengthened when, at CO LING in Prague, I was invited by Don to join him in the organization of a series of workshops with participants of the various communities interested in the study, development, and use of computational lexica.
- Introduction. Donald Walker: a Remembrance. Section 1: The Task of Natural Language Processing. Natural Language Processing: an Historical Review
- K. Sparck Jones. On Getting a Computer to Listen
- J. Robinson. Utterance and Objective: Issues in Natural Language Communication
- B. Grosz. On the Proper Place of Semantics in Machine Translation
- M. King. Developing a Natural Language Interface to Complex Data
- G.G. Hendrix, E.D. Sacerdoti. User-Needs Analysis and Design Methodology for an Automated Document Generator
- K. Kukich, K. McKeown, J. Shaw, J. Robin, J. Lim, N. Morgan, J. Philips. Section 2: Building Computational Lexicons. Machine-Readable Dictionaries and Computational Linguistics Research
- B. Boguraev. Research Toward the Development of a Lexical Knowledge Base for Natural Language Processing
- R.A. Amsler. Discovering Relationships Among Word Senses
- R.J. Byrd. Machine Readable Dictionary as a Source of Grammatical Information
- E. Hajicova, A. Rosen. The ITT Lexical Database: Dream and Reality
- S. Pin-Ngern Conlon. Visions of the Digital Library: Views on Using Computational Linguistics and Semantic Nets in Information Retrieval
- J.L. Klavans. Anatomy of a Verb Entry: from Linguistic Theory to Lexicographic Practice
- B.T. Atkins, J. Kegl, B. Levin. Issues for Lexicon Building
- N. Calzolari. Outline of a Model for Lexical Databases
- N. Ide, J. le Maitre, J. Veronts. Construction-Based MT Lexicons
- L. Levin, S. Nirenburg. Dependency-Based Grammatical Information in the Lexicon
- P. Sgall. Semantics in the Brain's Lexicon -- Some Preliminary Remarks on its Epistemology
- H. Schnelle. Section 3: The Acquisition and Use of LargeCorpora. The Ecology of Language
- D.E. Walker. Representativeness in Corpus Design
- D. Biber. The Text Encoding Initiative
- C.M. Sperberg-McQueen. Discrimination Decisions for 100,000 Dimensional
- W.A. Gale, K.W. Church, D. Yarowsky. Acquisition and Exploitation of Textual Resources for NLP
- S. Armstrong-Warwick. The Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities
- S. Hockey. Design Principles for Electronic Textual Resources: Investigating Users and Uses of Scholarly Information
- N.J. Belkin. Section 4: Topics, Methods and Formalisms in Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Evaluating English Sentences in a Logical Model
- J. Friedman, D.B. Moran, D.S. Warren. Recovering Implicit Information
- M.S. Palmer, D.A. Dahl, R.J. Schiffman, L. Hirschman, M. Linebarger, J. Downing. Flexible Generation: Taking the User into Account
- C.L. Paris, V.O. Mittal. Two Principles of Parse Preference
- J.R. Hobbs, J. Bear. UD, yet Another Unification Device
- R. Johnson, M. Rosner. Varieties of Heuristics in Sentence Parsing
- M. Nagao. Some Recent Trends in Natural Language Processing
- A.K. Joshi. Stone Soup and the French Room
- Y. Wilks.
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