This expanded and revised edition contains new chapters on the European Community by Vernon Bogdanor and International Human Rights Law by Anthony Lester, as well as revised chapters on all other topics. The book once again offers an up-to-date view of the state of the UK constitution and its relationship with the European Community. This collection of essays provides virtually comprehensive coverage of the subjects taught in a number of institutions for constitutional law courses, a compulsory subject for law students.
Introduction: the theory and practice of modern British democracy, Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver. Part 1 The international context: the European Community, Vernon Bogdanor
international human rights law, Anthony Lester. Part 2 Traditional doctrine reviewed: the rule of law today - controlling official power, Jeffrey Jowell
the sovereignty of Parliament, Tony Bradley
ministerial responsibility, Colin Turpin. Part 3 Modern British government - practice and problems: the civil service and executive agencies, Gavin Drewry
control of public expenditure, John McEldowney
the executive power today, Terry Daintith
regulating non-governmental bodies - central local relations, Tony Prosser
the police, Geoffrey Marshall and Barry Loveday
Northern Ireland and the British constitution, Christopher McCrudden. Part 4 Issues in constitutional reform: from subjects to citizens, Dawn Oliver
electoral reform, David Butler freedom of information, Rodney Austin.