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: hbk ISBN 9780813387055
An interdisciplinary anthology of significant contributions to feminist theory. This reader provides material on both the historical development of feminist theory and the current state of the field. It emphasizes common themes and interests in the humanities and the social sciences.
- Part 1 Reading feminist theory - collaborating across disciplines, Anne C. Hermann and Abigail Stewart. Part 2 Inventing gender - defining feminism and feminist theory: what is feminism?, Rosalind Delman
- the Combahee River Collective statement
- from a long line of Vendidas - Chicanas and feminism, Cherrie Moraga. Part 3 Inventing gender - the mutual influence of the humanities and social sciences: gender and the meaning of difference - postmodernism and psychology, Rachel T. Hare-Mustin and Jeanne Marecek
- fragments of a fashionable discourse, Kaja Silverman. Part 4 Gender, race and class - discovering masculine bias: why have there been no great women artists?, Linda Nochlin
- bias in psychology, Carolyn Wood Sherif. Part 5 Gender, race and class - race and gender: relating to privilege - seduction and rejection in the subordination of white women and women of colour, Aida Hurtado
- split affinities - the case of inter-racial rape, Valerie Smith. Part 6 Gender, race and class - materialism, class and feminism: the family as the locus of gender, class and political struggle - the example of housework, Heidi I. Hartmann
- on being the object of property, Patricia J. Williams. Part 7 Sex, gender and sexuality - from sex to gender: the medical construction of gender - case management of intersexed infants, Suzanne J. Kessler
- spare parts - the surgical construction of gender, Marjorie Garber. Part 8 Sex, gender and sexuality - difference and dominance: sexuality, Catherine A. MacKinnon
- the politics of writing (the) body - ecriture feminine, Arleen B. Dallery. Part 9 Sex, gender and sexuality - different sexualities: sexuality and gender in certain Native American tribes - the case of cross-gender females, Evelyn Blackwood
- lesbian identity and autobiographical difference(s), Biddy Martin. Part 10 Questioning gender - social construction: thinking from the perspective of lesbian lives, Sandra Harding
- deconstructing equality-versus-difference - or, the uses of poststructuralist theory for feminism, Joan W. Scott. Part 11 Questioning gender - postcolonialism: colonlialism and modernity - feminist re-presentations of women in non-Western societies, Aihwa Ong
- woman is an island - femininity and colonization, Judith Williamson. Part 12 Questioning gender - feminisms/postmodernism: foetal images - the power of visual culture in the politics of reproduction, Rosalind Pollack Petcheskey
- a cyborg manifesto - science, technology and socialist-feminism in the late-20th century, Donna Haraway
- feminism, postmodernism and gender scepticism, Susan Bordo.
- 巻冊次
: pbk ISBN 9780813387062
With the appearance of Theorizing Feminism: Parallel Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences, the first genuinely interdisciplinary anthology of significant contributions to feminist theory, teachers will finally have a volume that does justice to their topic. Creatively edited, with insightful introductory material, this timely reader illuminates the historical development of feminist theory as well as the current state of the field. In the past two decades, feminist scholars have produced an abundance of theoretical writing in humanities and social science disciplines. The result is a body of work that is extraordinarily rich, hard to keep up with, and extremely difficult to teach.With the appearance of Theorizing Feminism: Parallel Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences, the first genuinely interdisciplinary anthology of significant contributions to feminist theory, teachers will finally have a volume that does justice to their topic. Creatively edited, with insightful introductory material, this timely reader illuminates the historical development of feminist theory as well as the current state of the field.Emphasizing common themes and interests in the humanities and social sciences, the editors have chosen those topics that have been central to feminist theory in many disciplines, that remain relevant to current debates, and that reflect the interests of a diverse community of thinkers.
The contributors include leading figures from psychology, literary criticism, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, art history, law, and economics. This is the ideal text for any advanced course on interdisciplinary feminist theory, one that fills a long-standing gap in feminist pedagogy.
- Reading Feminist Theories: Collaborating Across Disciplines
- (Anne C. Hermann and Abigail J. Stewart. )
- Inventing Gender
- What Is Feminism?
- (Rosalind Delmar. )
- The Combahee River Collective Statement
- From a Long Line of Vendidas: Chicanas and Feminism
- (Cherre Moraga. )
- Gender and the Meaning of Difference: Postmodernism and Psychology
- (Rachel T. Hare-Mustin and Jeanne Marecek. )
- Fragments of a Fashionable Discourse
- (Kaja Silverman. )
- Gender, Race, And Class
- Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?
- (Linda Nochlin. )
- Bias in Psychology
- (Carolyn Wood Sherif. )
- Relating to Privilege: Seduction and Rejection in the Subordination of White Women and Women of Color
- (Ada Hurtado. )
- Split Affinities: The Case of Interracial Rape
- (Valerie Smith. )
- The Family as the Locus of Gender, Class, and Political Struggle: The Example of Housework
- (Heidi I. Hartmann. )
- On Being the Object of Property
- (Patricia J. Williams. )
- Sex, Gender, And Sexuality
- The Medical Construction of Gender: Case Management of Intersexed Infants
- (Suzanne J. Kessler. )
- Spare Parts: The Surgical Construction of Gender
- (Marjorie Garber. )
- Sexuality
- (Catharine A. MacKinnon. )
- The Politics of Writing (the) Body: criture Fminine
- (Arleen B. Dallery. )
- Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native American Tribes: The Case of Cross-Gender Females
- (Evelyn Blackwood. )
- Lesbian Identity and Autobiographical Difference[s]
- (Biddy Martin. )
- Questioning Gender
- Thinking from the Perspective of Lesbian Lives
- (Sandra Harding. )
- Deconstructing Equality-Versus-Difference: or, The Uses of Poststructuralist Theory for Feminism
- (Joan W. Scott. )
- Colonialism and Modernity: Feminist Re-presentations of Women in Non-Western Societies
- (Aihwa Ong. )
- Woman Is an Island: Femininity and Colonization
- (Judith Williamson. )
- Fetal Images: The Power of Visual Culture in the Politics of Reproduction
- (Rosalind Pollack Petchesky. )
- A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century
- (Donna Haraway. )
- Feminism, Postmodernism, and Gender Skepticism
- (Susan Bordo.)
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