Tables of the bessel functions of the first kind of orders
by the staff of the Computation laboratory
(Annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard University series, v. 3-14)
Harvard University Press, 1947-1951
Zero and one413.57/Ta120000809772,
愛媛大学 図書館 図
Two and three418.4||23011195193363,
Zero and one418.4//H00013770821,00013770813,
Zero and one90005739320,
Zero and one01541585301, Zero and one00925793408, Two and three410||Har||2P2326, Forty through fifty-oneAc/H071232000003207, Zero and one410.38||T00000947,
Zero and oneI1||T1099670, Two and threeHAR||4||2-2||Table1458796, Zero and one410.3||HAR 23||1-11264837, 京都大学 理学部 物理 Zero and oneB4-B||A||64-3895153, 国立天文台 図書室 Zero and oneM72:St:112023522, 上智大学 図書館 中央 Two and threeQA:408:H3:1947:v.2820563402, Two and threeR140-h8-2/3100764326061
Zero and oneY30030111151512, 東京大学 数理科学研究科 図書 Zero and oneSU:Annals8001083701, Zero and oneA-02:94:(3)6705287271, 東京大学 理学図書館 図書 Two and three51:556:A2006330829, 名古屋大学 工学 図書室 工中央書庫 Zero and one418.4||H40145207,
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央図1F Two and three418.4||H40306294,
Two and threeF518.3||2926151,
Harvard University Press
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