This collection of papers presents a review of the various applications of chaos in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and engineering.
Preface. Sessions 1: Using nonlinear dynamics to make a new world atlas (M.J. Feigenbaum). A theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers (L. Blum). U: Critical computation, phase transitions and hierarchical teaming (J.P. Crutchfield). How can chaos be a cognitive processor? (I. Tsuda, G. Barna). Chaos and evolution of cooperative behavior in a host-parasite game (T. Ikegami, E.S. Yoshikawa). M: Some thoughts on chaos in engineering (R.S. MacKay). Chaos in neural response and dynamical neural network models: toward a new generation of analog computing (K. Aihara). Solution of the optimization problem using the neural network model as a globally coupled map (H. Nozawa). IV-. Chaos and metapopulation persistence (D.J. Rosko, W.M. Schaffer, J.C. Allen). Mesoscopic modeling of complex dynamics in heart and other excitable media (H. Ito). Entertainment of chaotic systems with resonant driving forces (K. Chang, A. Hubler). V: Controling transient chaos in dynamical systems ( Y.Lai, C. Grebogi, T. Tel). Functional optical chaos (P.Davis). VI: The engineering design of nonlinear dynamical systems ( F.A. McRobbie). Instability and controlability of quantum systems (P. Gaspard, P. Van Ede van der Pals ). complicated behaviour of a clarinet artificially blown ( T. Idogawa, T. Kobata). VII: Indirect time systems of analysis of 1-D chaos and its applications to designs of noise generators and evaluations of randomness of pseudorandom number generator ( T. Kohda). Bifurcation equations and standard forms of continuous piecewise-linear vector fields (M. Komuro). VIII: Fractal distribution and Fick's law in a reversible chaotic system (S. Tasaki, P. Gaspard). On the structure of the parameter space of the Henon map (A. Sannami). IX: Reconstructing chaotic systems in the presence of noise (A.I. Mees). Chao the surprises of smooth flows (O.E.Rossler). Poster Session. Papers by: M.Adachi and K. Aihara, K Aoki, S. Arita and M. Yoneda, L Chen and K. Aihara, N Ichinose and K. Aihara, T Ikeguchi and K. Aihara, T Ishii and K. Kyuma, M. Kan and H. Taguchi, Y Kato, S. Nakata, Y Yonezawa and K. Yoshikawa, S. Kimoto, T Ikeugchi, TMatozaki and K. Aihara, H. Mori, T Nagashitna, J Kawashima and Y Takahashi, S. Nara and P Davis, H. Oka, K. Sakai and K. Aiham M. Sen and H. Chang, A. Shimizu, E.Simiu and M. Frey, K Tanikawa and Y Yamaguch L Tokuda, R. Tokunaga and K.Aihara, K. Yagasaki, T Yamada and K Aihara, Y Yonezawa. Author index. Subject index'
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