"FAST*PRO" is a software programme that implements many of the features of the Confidence Profile Method - a set of tools for meta-analysis, including techniques for interpeting and comparing the results of experiments, adjusting experimental evidence for biases, and combining evidence from multiple experiments. Designed for use on IBM-compatible personal computers, "FAST*PRO" allows for synthesis of evidence and generation of probability distributions even in the face of multiple pieces of evidence, different experimental designs, different types of outcomes, different measures of effect, biases to internal validity, biases to comparability and external validity, indirect evidence, mixed comparisons, and gaps in experimental evidence.
- Part 1 Using "FAST*PRO": getting started
- an example
- basic functions
- creating profiles for experiments
- creating profiles - dichotomous outcomes
- creating profiles - categorical outcomes
- creating profiles - count outcomes
- creating profiles - continuous outcomes
- describing a profile
- adjusting a profile
- transforming a profile
- changing names and deleting profiles
- combining profiles
- designing experiments
- displaying profiles. Part 2 Overview of the confidence profile method: the confidence profile method
- formulating the assessment problem
- organizing the evidence
- biases
- models for combining evidence
- indirect evidence
- sensitivity analysis and research design. Appendices: types of specified profiles
- feasible conversions
- feasible conversions
- summary statistics
- error messages.
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