The phenomenal growth of science and technology to its Data Tables As a complementary effort has brought about a universal appreciation of the fact Series, TPRC published in 1967 a work entitled that present limitations in many technical develop- "Thermophysical Properties Research Literature Re- ments are often a direct result of the paucity of knowl- trieval Guide. " This three-book work reported 33,700 edge on material properties. Engineering develop- references on seven thermophysical property groups ments in the years ahead will be closely linked to the and about 45,000 materials. This Basic Edition sys- to contribute to a better research that is done today tematically covered the world's unclassified literature understanding of the properties of matter, of which published essentially between 1920 and mid-1964, in thermophysical properties constitute a major segment. many instances going much earlier.
While research on the properties of materials con- The present work, referred to as Supplement I to tinues, adequate steps are not being taken to ensure the Basic Edition, reports an additional 26,000 refer- that this invaluable body of information be coordi- ences on sixteen thermophysical properties of 20,000 nated, synthesized, organized, and disseminated to materials, covering the years from mid-1964 to 1971. the ultimate user, namely, the individual scientist and An additional 9,000 synonyms and trade names are engineer. cross-referenced to assist the user in identifying the material or substance of interest.
of Volume 5.- A. Materials Directory.- Use of Materials Directory.- 1. Mixtures and Solutions CLASS 511.- 2. Aqueous Mixtures and Solutions CLASS 516.- B. Search Parameters.- Use of Search Parameters.- 1. Thermal Conductivity Property a.- 2. Thermal Diffusivity Property d.- 3. Specific Heat Property e.- 4. Viscosity Property f B.- 5. Emittance Property g.- 6. Reflectance Property h.- 7. Absorptance Property i.- 8. Transmittance Property j.- 9. Prandtl Number Property l.- 10. Diffusion Coefficient Property m.- 11. Thermal Linear Expansion Coefficient Property n.- 12. Thermal Volumetric Expansion Coefficient Property o.- 13. Surface Tension Property p.- C. Bibliography.- Use of Bibliography c.- Bibliography C.- D. Author Index.- Use of Author Index.- 1. Personal Authors D.- 2. Corporate Authors D.
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