The chemical enigma that is both a pollutant and anantipollutant--and environmental science's newest causecelebre.oxidants Responsible for chemical reactions both harmfuland benign, oxidants represent the sort of chemical puzzle thathave scientists both concerned and fascinated. Implicated in deadlysmog episodes and arteriosclerosis, oxidants have also played amajor role in treating polluted waters and in certain anticancerdrugs. A broad-based, up-to-date examination of the environmentalchemistry and toxicology of oxidants, Environmental Oxidants is acompendium of the latest research being done in the field. Bringingtogether the work of noted researches, the book contains a detailedlook at:
* Evolution, production, distribution, and fate of oxidants in theatmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere
* Influence of human activities on oxidative processes in theatmosphere
* Oxidative stress at the cellular, systemic, and ecosystemlevels
* Use of oxidants in wastewater treatment processes
A selective and incisive look at the current state of research onoxidants, Environmental Oxidants provides environmental scientistsand engineers with an informative, detailed discussion of just howand why oxidants have emerged as a key issue in human health andenvironmental integrity.
Partial table of contents:
Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution (C. Yocum).
Oxidants in the Unpolluted Marine Atmosphere (A. Thompson).
Ozone Formation in Urban Plumes (I. Colbeck & A.MacKenzie).
The Impact of Dynamics and Transport on Stratospheric Ozone andOther Constituents (J. Austin).
Aqueous Sulfur(IV) Oxidation Revisited (L. Martin).
Oxidative Mechanisms of Phototoxity (R. Larson & K.Marley).
Effects of Ozone in Human Studies (N. Alexis, et al.).
Some Hematological Effects of Oxidants (O. Baskurt & S.Yavuzer).
Impact of Oxidants on a Forest Area Assessed with Dynamic Maps (W.Grossmann).
Alternative Attainment Criteria for a Secondary Federal Standardfor Ozone (E. Lee, et al.).
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