Syllabus in English of Rymer's Fœdera
[by Thomas Duffus Hardy, deputy keeper of the public records.]
AMS Press, 1974
Syllabus in English of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as Rymer's Fœdera
v. 1 : 1066-1377233.04||67-13001106578,
東北大学 附属図書館 本館
v. 1 : 1066-137701810065121,
v. 1 : 1066-1377Qfq:307:S/11286794150,
Reprint. Originally published: London : Longmans, Green, 1869-85
Originally title: Syllabus (in English) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms : contained in the collection known as "Rymer's Foedera."