Optical and communication engineering is under intense development at the present time. This volume covers optical amplifiers, one of the most important areas of study in optical telecommunications. It describes how amplifiers will soon be widely used in long haul and local networks. The authors combine detailed coverage of the design and construction of semiconductor laser amplifiers and EDFAs with details of a wide range of system applications.
- Principles of Optical Amplifiers
- Semiconductor Laser Amplifiers
- Semiconductor Laser Amplifiers - Design and Construction Techniques
- Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifiers (EDFAs)
- Rare-Earth Doped Fibre Fabrication Methods
- Passive Components for Erbium-Dopes Fibre Amplifiers
- Pump Sources for Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifiers
- Trunk Transmission System Applications
- Application to Subscriber Transmission Systems
- Optical Amplifiers in Undersea Transmission Systems
- Optical Soliton Transmission
- Optical Amplifiers in Sensor Applications
- Future Prospects.
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