The history of psychiatry has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing and controversial areas of commentary in recent years. Discovering the History of Psychiatry brings together 20 studies by eminent, international contributors who explore the many complex dimensions of historical writing about the psychological sciences. The extensive coverage includes: the history of the asylum, Freud biography, and anti-psychiatry feeling, as well as discussions of
individual historical figures and movements. This is the first book to present comprehensive coverage of the history of psychiatry and will make interesting reading for everyone interested in this fascinating subject.
1: R. Porter and M.S. Micale: Introduction: Reflections on Psychiatry and Its Histories
I. Early Developments
2: O. Marx: On the Origins of Psychiatric Historiography in Nineteenth-Century Germany
3: G. Mora: Early American Historians of Psychiatry, 1910-1960
II. Five Major Voices
4: R. Porter: Ida Macalpine and Richard Hunter: History Between Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
5: E.T. Morman: George Rosen and the History of Mental Illness
6: M.S. Micale: Henri F. Ellenberger: The History of Psychiatry as the History of the Unconscious
7: F. Vidal: Jean Starobinski: The History of Psychiatry as the Cultural History of Consciousness
III. The Psychoanalytic Strain
8: E. Young-Bruehl: A History of Freud Biography
9: J. Forrester: "A Whole Climate of Opinion": Writing and Rewriting the History of Psychoanalysis
10: K. Piver: Philip Rieff: The Critic of Psychoanalysis as Cultural Theorist
IV. Historical Themes and Topics
11: P. Vandermeersch: Les Mythes D'Origines in the History of Psychiatry
12: D. Weiner: "Le Geste de Pinel": The History of a Psychiatric Myth
13: P. Guarnieri: The History and Historiography of Psychiatry in Italy
14: G. Grob: The History of the Asylum Revisited: Personal Reflections
15: G. Cocks: German Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysts, and Psychotherapists During the Nazi Period: A Historiographical Survey
16: J. Brown: Heroes and Non-Heroes: Recurring Themes in the History of Soviet Russian Psychiatry
V. Critics of Psychiatry
17: R. Vatz and L. Weinberg: The Rhetorical Paradigm in Psychiatric History: Thomas Szasz, Psychiatric History, and the Myth of Mental Illness
18: G. Gutting: Michel Foucalt's Phanomologie des Krankengeistes
19: N. Tomes: Feminist Histories of Psychiatry
20: J. Postel and D. Allen: History and Anti-Psychiatry in France
21: N. Dain: Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry in the United States
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