This guide describes and illustrates all types of acacia trees, which form such a distinctive feature of the Kenyan landscape. Floral and vegetative characteristics - bark, leaves, pods, seeds - are described to aid identification throughout the year. Of the 1200 global species of acacia, 44 are found in Kenya. These are of particular interest, as they are used by the local people and eaten by the wildlife. Acacias are suited to commercial farming in arid conditions, of relevance should warming trends continue. The authors provide clear explanations of botanical terms, detailed field keys, and instructions for using the keys. No previous knowledge of plant sciences is required to use this guide. It should be of value to residents and visitors in East Africa, professional botanists, foresters, ecologists, botanists, ecologists, nature/wildlife tourists to Kenya and students of African ecology/tropical ecology.
- Identification characters
- how to use the keys
- field keys
- species descriptions and illustrations.
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