The latest developments in finite element methods research are presented in this text. Along with the mathematical theory, other areas covered include computational techniques, large scale analysis, and the implementation of related methods (boundary elements, discrete elements, etc).
Partial table of contents: Error Estimation and Control in Computational Fluid Dynamics (J. Oden). Numerical Techniques for Problems of Quasistatic and Dynamic Viscoelasticity (S. Shaw, et al.). Approximate Approximations (V. Maz'ya). Mesh Optimality Criteria for Adaptive Finite Element Computations (E. O?ate & G. Bugeda). A Posteriori Error Estimates for Stokes and Navier Stokes Equations (M. Ainsworth). A Substructured Elastic-Plastic Fracture Analysis Program for Parallel Processing on Transputer Networks (H. van Lengen, et al.). Application of a Variational Method for Computing Smooth Stresses, Stress Gradients, and Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis (A. Tessler, et al.). Unstructured Grid Methods for High Speed Compressible Flows (K. Morgan, et al.). A Complementary Volume Approach for Modeling Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations Using Dual Delaunay/Voronoi Tessellations (J. Cavendish, et al.). Adaptive Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems (J. Mackenzie, et al.). Non-Reflecting Finite Elements (D. Givoli & J. Keller). Coupling of FEM and BEM for Transonic Flows (H. Berger, et al.). Index.
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