The Symposium *Symmetries in Science VI: From the Rotation Group to Quantum Algebras* was held at the Cloister Mehrerau, Bregenz, Austria, during the period August 2-7, 1992. The Symposium was held in honor of Professor Lawrence C. Biedenharn on the occasion of his 70th birthday. During the academic year 1966/67 I worked as research associate with Larry at Duke University and we have ever since maintained close contact. It was thus natural for me to take the initiative and to organize this Symposium in honor of Larry as a great scientist and friend. The response which the Symposium received showed the favorable reaction by the scientific community to the opportunity provided by the Symposium to honor our colleague, teacher and friend. Equally, the scientific contributions contained in this volume illustrate the high esteem in which he is held. I wish to thank all the scientists who participated in the Symposium and who contributed to this volume. It is due to their commitment that the Symposium was successful. Finally I need to thank those who provided financial and logistical assistance to the Symposium: Dr. John H. Guyon, President of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Russell R. Dutcher, Dean, College of Science at SIUC, Dr. Maurice A. Wright, Chairman, Department of Physics, SIUC, Dr. Victoria J. Molfese, Office of Research Developement and Administration, SIUC, as well as Dr. Martin Purtscher, Landeshauptmann, Land Vorarlberg Dr. Guntram Lins, Landesrat, Land Vorarlberg.
- Deformable Media with Microstructure
- T. Ackermann, E. Binz. From Q-Oscillators to Quantum Groups
- M. Arik. An Analog of the Fourier Transformation for a Q-Harmonic Oscillator
- R. Askey, et al. Geometry, Group Theory, and Partitions
- H. Bacry. Origin of Spin
- A.O. Barut. Massless Representations of the Poincare Group and Conformal Invariance
- A.M. Bincer. Q-Deformed Oscillators in Nuclear and Molecular Physics
- D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis. Induced Representations and the Frobenius Theorum for Finite Quantum Groups
- K. Bragiel. Non-Abelian Surprises for Gauge Fields Coupled to Gravity
- O. Brodbeck, N. Straumann. Colored Supersymmetry of Mesons and Baryons Based on Octonian Algebras
- S. Catto. Quantum Algebras and Lie Groups
- E. Celeghini. Q-Fock Space Representations of the Q-Lorentz Algebra and Irreducible Tensors
- M. Chaichian, et al. 51 additional articles.
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