Studies of the bacterial cell wall emerged as a new field of research in the early 1950s, and has flourished in a multitude of directions. This excellent book provides an integrated collection of contributions forming a fundamental reference for researchers and of general use to teachers, advanced students in the life sciences, and all scientists in bacterial cell wall research. Chapters include topics such as: Peptidoglycan, an essential constituent of bacterial endospores; Teichoic and teichuronic acids, lipoteichoic acids, lipoglycans, neural complex polysaccharides and several specialized proteins are frequently unique wall-associated components of gram-positive bacteria; Bacterial cells evolving signal transduction pathways; underlying mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
- The bacterial cell envelope - a historical perspective, M.R.J. Salton
- bacterial peptidoglycan - overview and evolving concepts, H. Labischinski and H. Maidhof
- biosynthesis of the bacterial peptidoglycan unit, J. van Heijenoort
- utilization of lipid-linked precursor and formation of peptidoglycan in the process of cell growth and division, M. Matsuhashi
- molecular biology of bacterial septation, J.A. Ayala et al
- biochemistry of the penicilloyl serine transferases, J.-M. Ghuysen and G. Dive
- microbial peptidoglycan (murein) hydrolases, G.D. Shockman and J.-V. Holtje
- cell wall changes during bacterial endospore formation, C.E. Buchanan et al
- teichoic acid synthesis in bacillus subtitis, H. Pooley and D. Karamata
- lipoteichoic acids and lipoglycans, W. Fisher
- cell-wall-associated proteins in gram-positive bacteria, M.A. Kehoe
- molecular organization and structural role of outer membrane macromoecules, R.E.W. Hancock et al
- biosynthesis and assembly of lipopolysaccharide, P. Reeves
- lipoproteins, structure, function, biosynthesis and model for protein export, V. Braun and H.C. Wu
- structure-function relationships in porins as derived from a 1.8 Angstrom resolution crystal structure, G.E. Schulz
- structures of non-specific diffusion pores from escherichia coli, S.W. Cowan and T. Schirmer
- the porin superfamily - diversity and common features, D. Jeanteur et al
- outer membrane proteins of escherichia coli - mechanism of sorting and regulation of synthesis, U. Henning and R. Koebuik
- uptake of solutes through bacterial outer membranes, R. Benz
- secretion of hemolysin and other proteins out of gram-negative bacterial cell, V. Koronakis and C. Hughes
- periplasm, M.E. Bayer
- transmembrane signal transducing proteins, M.G. Surette and J.B. Stock
- mechanisms of chromosomal beta-lactamase induction in gram-negative bacteria, S. Normark et al
- induction of beta-lactamase and low-affinity penicillin-binding protein 2' synthesis in gram-positive bacteria, B. Joris et al
- resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, B.G. Spratt
- resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics, R. Hakenbeck
- diffusion of inhibitors across cell wall, H. Nikaido.
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