This text brings practitioners up-to-date with developments and initiatives in post-16 education and training. Providing an analysis of proposals implemented by the government - plus coverage of initiatives such as NVQs, Baccalaureates, Training Credits and BTEC in schools - this is a one volume source of information on the subject. It analyzes the goverment proposals for NVQs, Training Credits, the role of the TECs and the newly independent FE sector. It also examines developments at local level including modular A levels, Baccalaureates and combined BTEC and A/AS levels. The guide defined the options that lie ahead for young people entering sixth forms, colleges and training programmes.
- Part 1 The context: overview of the debate
- the emerging system in England and Wales - analysis and critique of the government proposals
- the changing Scottish scene - implications for South of the Border
- recent developments in qualifications at 14+ - a critical review. Part 2 Changes underway: a British "Baccalaureate" for Islington
- modular A-levels - the Wessex project
- general NVQs
- technical Baccalaureate
- bridging the BTEC/A-AS level divide
- international Baccalaureate
- training credits
- the FE colleges
- TECs and education-business partnerships. Part 3 Conclusion: criteria for a new VET system.
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