Red tides in the sea and bright green lakes and rivers are becoming features of our degraded world environment. These events, caused by algae and the toxins they produce, are often associated with poisoning of people or livestock resulting in injury to health and economic loss.This volume provides definitive information on the identification of toxin marine and freshwater algae, the routine analysis and effects of algal toxins, their veterinary and public health impact, and on control measures in current use.Professionals in the food and water industry, and those working in public health and environmental ecology will find this book extremely useful.
Some Taxonomic and Biologic Aspects of Toxic Dinoflagellates. Methods of Analysis for Algal Toxins: Dinoflagellate and Diatom Toxins. Mode of Action of Toxins of Shellfish Poisoning. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning. Control Measures in Shellfish and Finfish Industries: U.S.A. Seafood Toxins of Algal Origin and Their Control in Canada. Taxonomy of Toxic Cyanophycea (Cyanobacteria). Measurement of Toxins from Blue-Green Algae in Water and Foodstuffs. Mechanism of Toxicity of Cyclic Peptide Toxins from Blue-Green Algae. Disease Related to Freshwater Algal Blooms.
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