Text ( visual ) : unmediated Learning C++ / Tom Swan. -- 1st ed. -- Carmel, Ind., USA : Sams , c1991. -- xxxi, 760 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 2 computer disks (5 1/4 in.). -- System requirements for computer disks (Zortech C++ demo, version 1.00, and related files): IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or 100% compatible system; 384K to 512K after booting; MS- or PC-DOS 2.0 or later (a few programs may require DOS 3.0 or later); one disk drive and hard disk with about 3M of free space recommended, or at least one 1.2 or 1.44M disk drive ; Includes bibliographical references (p. 683) and index. -- ISBN 0672227851 ; (BA2163492X) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA2163492X Other Title(s): Learning C Plus Plus. -- Author Heading(s): Swan, Tom. -- Classification(s): LCC : QA76.73.C15 ; DC20 : 005.265. -- Subject Heading(s): LCSH : C[++] (Computer program language)