Europe, 1848-1914
editor, David Stevenson
(British documents on foreign affairs : reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print / general editors, Kenneth Bourne and D. Cameron Watt, pt. 1 . From the mid-nineteenth century to the First World War ; ser. F)
University Publications of America, c1987-c1991
関西大学 図書館 図
v. 1207365695,
v. 1ES1||327.410||Bri||F20021265905204169, v. 1D327.41:6-1:6-1882023427, v. 1327.42||48(6)||1(1)93204561,
v. 1M400:4218:1.F.10012088373, v. 1319.33||Br||F-1-141031605,
法政大学 図書館 多図 v. 1319/34/1-F-110302501398801, 明治学院大学 図書館 横図 v. 1327.4104:E:11100946563, 明治大学 図書館 本 v. 1099||3769||||D2200110026,
v. 100493228,
v. 111000332652, v. 119500145293, v. 1. The Scandinavian Peninsula and Baltic I, 1855-1907 v. 2. The Scandinavian Peninsula and the Baltic II, 1907-1909 v. 3. The Scandinavian Peninsula and the Baltic III, 1909-1914 v. 4. The Low Countries I, Luxemburg, 1867-1914; Belgium, 1862-1890 v. 5. The Low Countries II, Belgium, 1893-1914 v. 6. The Low Countries III, the Netherlands, 1867-1914 v. 7. Switzerland I, from the Sonderbund to the Neuchâtel crisis, 1848-1857 v. 8. Switzerland II, from the Neuchâtel crisis to the Firest World War, 1857-1914 v. 9. France, 1847-1878 -- v. 10. France, 1877-1891 -- v. 11. France, 1891-1904 -- v. 12. France, 1905-1908 -- v. 13. France, 1908-1913 -- v. 14. Greece, 1847-1914 v. 15. Bulgaria, 1907-1914; Montenegro, 1895-1913 v. 16. Montenegro, 1914; Romania, 1878-1914; Servia, 1885-1914 v. 17. Denmark, 1848-1914 -- v. 18. Germany, 1848-1897 -- v. 19. Germany, 1898-1907 -- v. 20. Germany, 1907-1909 -- v. 21. Germany, 1909-1914 -- v. 22. Italy, 1847-1853 -- v. 23. Italy, 1855-1873 -- v. 24. Italy, 1875-1903 v. 25. Italy, 1904-1914 -- v. 26. Spain, 1846-1896 -- v. 27. Spain, 1898-1907 -- v. 28. Spain, 1908-1914 -- v. 29. Portugal, 1846-1907 -- v. 30. Portugal, 1907-1914 Vols. 9-16, 22-32: editor, John F.V. Keiger v. 31以降は別書誌。 (BA2161473X) general editors, Kenneth Bourne and D. Cameron Watt
University Publications of America
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