Relevance rediscovered : an anthology of 25 significant articles to help solve today's and tomorrow's problems, NACA bulletins and yearbooks
selected by Richard Vangermeersch
(NAA publication, no. 89227)
National Association of Accountants, c1990-
v. 1. 1919-1929336.9||V2||1037887
v. 2. 1929-1939336.8||Rel95142602
v. 1. 1919-19291-7-10761//1s011009402135*, v. 1. 1919-1929679 || 2049 || 12134506, v. 1: Being placed in touch with good ideas that have been lost but that could be applied to problems of today and tomorrow v. 2: Observing the proactive stance taken by management accountants in the successful adaptation of accounting to meet a new need "Seventy-fifth anniversary"--t. cover "NAA classics"--t. cover verso Vol. 3(<BA35216724>) published by: Montvale, NJ : Institute of Management Accountants
National Association of Accountants
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