Animal models for biomedical research : proceedings of a symposium
(Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, no. 1594,
National Academy of Sciences, 1968-
491.9||An 9110857
名古屋大学 生命農学 図書室 農書庫図書 3481.5||An40527863, "Sponsored jointly by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council, and the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine." The 1st symposium, held July 10, 1967 ... in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association. The 2nd symposium, held July 22, 1968 The 3rd symposium, held July 14, 1969 The 4th symposium, held June 24, 1970 Vol.3-4: no PTBL Includes bibliographies National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
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