EPDIC 2 : proceedings of the Second European Powder Diffraction Conference, held, July 30 - August 1, 1992, in Enschede, The Netherlands


EPDIC 2 : proceedings of the Second European Powder Diffraction Conference, held, July 30 - August 1, 1992, in Enschede, The Netherlands

editors, R. Delhez and E. J. Mittemeijer

(Materials science forum, v. 133-136)

Trans Tech Publications, c1993

  • pt.1 :
  • pt.2 :

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index



The power of powder diffraction - the diffraction analysis of polycrystalline specimens - is shown again convincingly in these Proceedings of the Second European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC 2.


State-of-the Art Powder Diffraction Applications with Conventional Sealed-Tube X-Ray Sources A Practice Oriented Way to Produce Diffraction Reference Cards Using Evaporite Minerals Quantitative Phase Analysis by Using Whole Diffraction Profiles Quantitative Phase Analysis of Si3N4 Ceramics using the Powder Diffraction Standard Data Base A Method for the Determinantion of Weight Factors for Quantitative Phase Analysis using Dual Phase Starting Powders with Application to / - Silicon Nitride Quantitative Phase Analysis from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data using two Stage Method Application of the Rietveld Method to Phase Analysis of Multilayered Systems Estimation of the Texture Correction in X-Ray Phase Analysis Quantitative Phase Analysis of Texturised Materials Fourier Methods for Separation of Size and Strain Broadening Background and Bragg Scattering Component Separation in Powders via the XRD Technique Rietveld Refinement employing X-Ray Data on CaWO4 from Different Powder Diffraction Geometries Stress Measurements in Textured Materials Interpretation of X-Ray Stress Measurements X-Ray Analysis of Residual Stresses and Textures in Thin Coatings Oblique-Texture Electron Diffraction in Powder Crystallography Texture Investigation by Means of Model Functions Estimation of the Texture Component Parameters in Cubic Metals Application of the ADC Method for ODF Approximation in Cases of Low Crystal and Sample Symmetries XRD Texture Investigations with the Employment of Location Sensitive Measuring Technique New Opportunities in X-Ray Texture Analysis of two Phase Ti-Aluminides by Application of a Proportional Scintillation Detector and the Component Method to ODF Reproduction Texture Analysis of Thin Films on Single Crystalline Substrates X-Ray Diffraction Method for Monitoring of Texture Evolution in Layers Texture Determination of PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 Thin Films by XRD and BKDP The Ab-Initio Determination of Crystal Structures from their Powder Diffraction Patterns using a Combination of Entropy Maximisation and Likelihood Ranking Application of a Simulated Annealing Approach in Powder Crystal Structure Analysis Determination of Molecular Crystal Structures from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data Ab Initio Determination of Molecular Crystal Structures using Powder Diffraction Data from a Laboratory X-Ray Source Application of X-Ray Powder Diffraction for the Investigation of Polytype Structures in Metals and Alloys Diffraction from Thin Layers Glancing-Incidence X-Ray Analysis of Thin Films Intermediate-Resolution Reciprocal-Space Mapper Locally Resolved X-Ray Investigations by Means of X-Ray Optics A New Apparatus for In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction In Situ Study of Particle Growth A High Pressure Study of Metallic Glasses using Energy-Dispersive Powder Diffraction X-Ray Diffractometry at High Temperatures On the use of CPS120 Data in Rietveld Analysis An Unconventional Pile-up Correction PC-Rietveld Plus, A Comprehensive Rietveld Analysis Package for PC KET - A PC Package for Structure and Substructure Investigations ZDS - A Computer Program for Analysis of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns Program for Simulation of Diffraction Pattern of Small Particles ki7: A Program for the Simulation of Powder Patterns MacDUST - A Powder Diffraction Package Developed for the ADONE High Resolution Diffraction Station Lattice-Constants Database for Clay Minerals Smoothing by Digital Filters and a New Peak Search Routine If one does not have a Sample Rotating Device.... Simultaneous use of Observed and Calculated Standard Patterns in Quantitative XRD Analysis of Minerals by the Multiphase Rietveld Method: Applicaiton to Phase Quantitation of Mineral Sands and Portland Cement Use of the CSD Program Package for Structure Determination from Powder Data High-Resolution Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction for Structural Characterization The ESRF Powder Diffraction Beam Line High Resolution Powder Diffraction in Siberian Synchrotron Radiation Center Peak Shape Functions of Powder Diffractometers using Parallel Beam Geometry Physical Characteristics of a Julios Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer Optimization of Reverse Time of Flight Neutron Scattering Devices Comparative Neutron Powder Diffraction Experiment under Reactor and Spallation Source Conditions Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Substructures in Polycrystalline Materials Phase Transformations in Materials Studied by TOF Neutron Thermo-Diffractometry Texture Analysis of Surface Layers by Neutron Diffraction Anlaysis of Disordered Materials by Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Zeolite Structure Analysis using Powder Diffraction Data The Methods of Diffraction Analysis of the Structure-Phase Transformations in Magnetic Alloys Fe-Nd-B System The Influence of Laser and Eelctric Heating of High Nickel Steel on the Martensitic Transformation Characteristics The Change of the Parameter by Influence of the Several Factors in Austenite Thermal Instability Range Low Temperature X-Ray Diffractometry of the Shape Memory Fe-Ni Based Alloys Crystal-Field Influence on the Anisotropic Thermal Expansion in ErCu2 and NdCu2 Study of Al4U Stability by XRPD A Contribution to the Phase Diagram of the Quasiternary System (SnkPb(1-k)) (S2Se(1-I)) XRPD of new Intermediate Phases in Gd-Ga and Nd-Ga Systems The Investigation of the Amorphous Y63Co37 Ribbons Crystallization under Laser Treatment by X-Ray Diffraction The Structure of E93-Type Phases in the Ni-Nb System Structural Characterisation of Corrosion Inhibiting Zinc Nickel Electroplate by Rietveld Methods Structural Data of YbSe and Yb7+ Se8 from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Structure and Stoichiometry of Al76Cu2Co24 Structural Investigations of the Intermediate Valence Systems Yb(CuxAl1-x)5 (x=1,0.8,0.6) Neutron Diffraction Reinvestigation of MnCr2S4 Crystal Structure of RNiGe2 Phases (R=Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) Broadened X-Ray Diffraction Profile Analysis of Cold-Rolled Commercial Aluminum and Al-Mg Alloys Correlation between X-Ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis and Solid State Reactions Induced by Mechanical Alloying of Elemental Powders Analysis of Residual Stress States in Friction-Weldings by Means of Neutron Diffraction Texture of Uniaxial Compressed Two-Phase Titanium-Aluminides Kinetics of Growing Oxide Layers Studied by Means of X-Ray Diffraction Application of X-Ray Diffraction to Studies of High Temperature Corrosion of Iron X-Ray Study of TiNiSn and ZrNiSn Intermetallics Oxidation Studies on Kinetics and Structures of Phase Transformations in Metallic Oxidhydroxidic Hydrogels High Resolution Powder Diffraction Studies on Lattice Parameter Anomalies in Aluminate Sodalites Thermal Expansion of Mullite between 700 DegreesC and 1500 DegreesC Determination of Phase Transformation of Precipitated Iron Oxides in Temperature Range 298-1073 K High-Pressure Studies of Corundum Type Oxides using Synchrotron Radiation Hysteresis and Phase Coexistence at the SiO2 / - Cristobalite Phase Transition and the Pitfalls of PSD Calibration High-Pressure Ferroelastic Phase Transition in Gillespite: New Evidence from Energy-Dispersive Diffraction Compounds and Solid Solutions in the System CuO-BaO-SiO2-GeO2 Investigations on the Ternary Systems Fe-Mo-O and Ni-Mo-O Rietveld Refinements on Metal Doped Galliumphosphates Ba2ZrO4 and its Hydrates X-Ray Measurements of Cement Hydration Products Phase Changes of Hydrous Titanium Oxides in Temperature Range 298-1198 K Thermic Dehydroxylation of Muscovite-2M1 The Determination of the Thallium content in Nonstoichiometric TIxV5S8 (0.33 Disorder Phenomena in Donor- and Acceptor-GIC Contribution of Neutron Powder Diffraction in the Structural Determination of two Defect Pyrochlore-Type Tungstates Neutron Diffraction Studies of Crystal Structure of BaTi2Fe4O11 Searching for the Magnetic Spiral Arrangement in Bi0.7La0.3FeO3 A Study of Structural Crystallography on Ternary Metal Oxides in the System Fe-Mo-O BiCuSeO: Synthesis and Crystal Structure Crystal Stuctures of Leucites from Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data Lead Silicate Apatites: Structure Models and Anion Condensation of Phase X by Powder Data Rietveld Analysis of Natural Antimony Oxide (Sb1-xOx 0.656O13 and Mineral Stibiconite (Sb3O6OH) Ab Initio Structure Determination of Lithium Diborate Hydrate, from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data Collected by Means of a Curved Position Sensitive Detector Structural Characterization of Synthetic Boehmites by IRTF-Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffractometry Structure of [(NH4)1-xRbx]3H(SO4)2 Mixed Crystals X-Ray Diffraction Study of Ferromagnetic Spinels Cd1-xCuxCr2S4 Orthorhombic Mg6Co2H11, a Structure with 63 Positional Parameters solved Ab Initio and Refined from Joint Synchrotron and Neutron Powder Diffraction Data Diffraction Peak Broadening Studies in Calcium Halophosphate Phosphors Physical and Mineralogical Features of Polycrystalline samples Obtained by means of Conventional and Synchrotron XRD Techniques The Nature of Defects in De-intercalated Kaolinites Preferred Orientation and Chemical Zoning of AgBr1-xIx - Grains in Photographic Emulsions Studied by Rietveld Refinement The Phyllosilicate Texture as a Strain Marker in Structure Geology Quantitative Analysis of Monoclinic - Tetragonal ZrO2 System by the Rietveld Method Low Temperature X-Ray Powder Diffraction of Ceria-Stabilized Zirconia Phase Formation in the Active Layer of ZnO Ceramic Filters X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of Bimevox Phases Bi4V2-xSbxO11 (O Cell Parameters of Fine-Grain BaTiO3 Powders Contribution of Ferroelectric Domains on Diffraction Line Profiles of BaTiO3 In Situ X-Ray Investigations of the Calcium and Zirconium Substituted YIG Forming Reactions up to 1400 DegreesC X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Studies of NiFeGaO4 and ZnFeGaO4 Structure Investigation of Water Desorption in Highly Ca2+ and Mg2+ Exchanged Zeolites A X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Superconducting System (CaxLa1-x)(Ba1.75-xLa.25+x)Cu3O7+/- Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Pr doped Y1Ba2Cu4O8 Program for Evaluating XRD Powder Intensities: Application to Structural Analysis of Mixed Copper Oxides Phase Diagram Investigation of the Ba-Rich Region in the System YO1.5-BaO-CuO Time-Resolved Diffraction and Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Thermal Behavior of YBa2Cu3O7-x Compound over a Temperature Range 900-1470 K Thermal Expansion Measurements in Oxygen-Reduced Superconducting Ceramics YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3Oy On the Texturing in YBa2Cu3O7-x Bulk Sample Prepared by melted Stage Crystallization X-Ray Investigations of Platinum Layers on Dense Construction Ceramics with Regard to Residual Stresses and Stress-free Lattice Constants Internal Stress Tensor Determination in Molybdenum and Molybdenum-Carbon Thin Films Deposited by D.C. Magnetron Sputtering X-Ray Substructure Analysis in Galvanic Copper Coatings Deposited at Different Bath Temperatures X-Ray Analysis of Textures in Galvanic Copper Coatings Deposited at Different Temperatures X-Ray Diffraction Characterisation of Polysilicon Layers X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Phase Formation in thin In/Ni Films XRD-Investigations of Phase-Formation in High Dose Fe- and Co-Ion Co-implanted Si (100) Wafers XRD on Polycrystalline Diamond Films obtained by CVD Technique X-Ray Diffraction Examination of Structure and Stability of Amorphous Cu-W Thin Films Grain-Size Determination by means of X-Ray and Neutron High-Angle Diffraction Changes of Lattice Parameters in Small Particles of Hexagonal Crystals Low Temperature Powder Diffraction on Vapour Deposited Disordered Solids X-Ray Powder Diffraction of Mn-Ethylenediamine-Tetraacetate Metal Complexes X-Ray Diffraction Study of Amorphous Iron-Containing Tungsten Oxide Gels: Radial Distribution Function Analysis Polyvinyl Alcohol Crystallinity

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  • ISBN
    • 0878496610
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v.(954 p.)
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID

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