The architectural drawings of R.M. Schindler : the architectural drawing collection, University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara
edited by David Gebhard
(Garland architectural archives)
Garland Pub., 1993
v. 1526.82||Sc3||194001770,
v. 1525-1-103//1h039300003430*,
v. 1525.1/AR//0060410,
v. 1525.1/G/1116198851, v. 1226:S.71:I1010519419, v. 1525.1||Sc 3||(1)E9400016, v. 1525.1:Sc-3:1/736641586000413588, Contents: v. 1. Abernathy-Friedman. v. 2. Gallagher-Lucca. v. 3. Mack-Schick. v. 4. Schindler-Ziegler and unidentified projects 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より
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