With the increased interest in superconductivity applications through- out the world and the necessity of obtaining a firmer understanding of the basic concepts of superconductivity, the editors of the In- ternational Cryogenics Monograph series are extremely grateful for the opportunity to add Superconducting Materials to this series. This comprehensive review and summary of superconducting ma- terials was originally prepared by the Russian authors in 1969 and has been specifically updated for this series. It is the most thorough review of the literature on this subject that has been made to date. Since advances in the development and use of new superconducting materials are largely associated with the general state and level in the development of the physical theory of superconductivity, the physical chemistry of metals, metallography, metal physics, tech- nical physics, and manufacturing techniques, it is hoped that this monograph will provide the stimulus for further advances in all aspects of this exciting field.
The editors express their appreciation to the authors, the translators, and Plenum Publishing Corporation for their assistance and continued interest in making this worthy addition to the series possible.
I The Superconducting State of Materials and Methods of Estimating It.- The Phenomenon of Superconductivity.- 1. History of the Discovery.- 2. Superconductors of the First Group.- 3. Superconductors of the Second Group.- 4. Hard Superconductors.- 5. The BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) Theory.- 6. The GLAG (Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-GorTkov) Theory.- 7. The Anderson Model.- 8. The Filament (Sponge) Model of a Hard Superconductor.- Empirical Rules.- Methods of Measuring the Critical Superconducting Characteristics of Metals and Alloys.- 1. Measuring the Temperature of the Transition into the Superconducting State.- 2. Measurement of Critical Magnetic Fields.- 3. Measurement of the Critical Current.- Low-Temperature Technique.- Metallography of Superconducting Alloys.- 1. Preparation of Microsections.- 2. Etching of the Microsections.- 3. Study of the Microstructure and Properties of Alloys.- Literature Cited.- II Superconducting Elements.- Properties of Superconducting Elements.- Effect of Deformation and Interstitial Impurities on the Superconducting Properties of the Elements.- Literature Cited.- III Superconducting Compounds.- Compounds with the Cr3Si Structure.- Interstitial Phases and Certain Other Compounds of Metals with Nonmetals.- Sigma and Laves Phases and Similar Compounds.- Superconducting Compounds with Other Types of Structures.- Effect of Alloying Elements and Impurities on the Structure and Properties of Compounds.- 1. Effect of Transition Metals on the Properties of Cr3Si-Type Compounds.- 2. Effect of B Subgroup Elements on the Properties of Cr3Si-Type Compounds.- 3. Influence of the Simultaneous Replacement of the A and B Components on the Properties of Compounds of the Cr3Si-Type.- 4. Effect of Interstitial Impurities on the Properties of Cr3Si Compounds.- 5. Effect of Alloying on the Properties of Compounds with Other Types of Crystal Structure.- Effect of Heat Treatment and Other Factors on the Superconducting Characteristics of Compounds.- Literature Cited.- IV Physicochemical Analysis of Superconducting Systems.- Binary Superconducting Systems.- 1. Systems with Unlimited Solubility in the Liquid and Solid States.- 2. Systems with Unlimited Solubility and a Polymorphic Transformation of the Components.- 3. Systems of the Eutectic, Peritectic, and Monotectic Types.- 4. Systems Involving the Formation of Intermediate Phases.- Ternary and More Complex Superconducting Systems.- 1. Ternary Systems.- 2. Quaternary System.- 3. Pseudoternary Superconducting Systems.- 4. Pseudoquaternary System.- Literature Cited.- V Production of Superconducting Materials.- Effect of Composition, Deformation, and Heat Treatment on the Critical Current of Superconducting Alloys.- Technology of the Production of Superconducting Alloys.- Properties and Production Technology of Parts Made from Superconducting Compounds.- 1. Production of Vanadium-Gallium Wire by Working the Quenched Solid Solution.- 2. Production of Superconducting Coatings.- 3. Production of Superconducting Wire from Compounds by Working a Mixture of the Original Components in a Soft Sheath with Subsequent Heat Treatment (Kunzler Method).- 4. Production of Superconducting Coatings by Hydrogen Reduction.- 5. Production of Composite Superconductors from Compounds of the Cr3Si-Type.- 6. Production of Large Superconducting Parts.- Literature Cited.- VI Applications.- Superconducting Magnets.- Computing Technology.- 1. Cryotrons.- 2. Memory Devices.- Electronics and Measuring Technology.- 1. Bolometers - Receivers of Thermal Radiation.- 2. Superconducting Magnetic Lenses.- 3. Masers.- Nuclear Power and Space.- 1. Magnets for Thermonuclear Reactions.- 2. Elementary-Particle Accelerators.- 3. Bubble Chambers.- 4. Resonance Pump.- 5. Gyroscopes.- 6. "Zero" Magnetic Field.- 7. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Generators.- 8. Protection of Astronauts from Radiation.- 9. Hydromagnetic Braking.- 10. Energy Stores.- Electrical Machines.- Conclusion.- Literature Cited.
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