New trends in probability and statistics
VSP , Mokslas, 1991-
Editors, T. Kollo, E.-M. Tiit, and M. Srivastava
VSP , TEV 2000 New trends in probability and statistics v. 5
: VSP , : TEV
editors, A. Laurinčikas, E. Manstavičius and V. Stakėnas
VSP , TEV 1997 New trends in probability and statistics v. 4
: VSP , : TEV
Editors, E.-M. Tiit, T. Kollo and H. Niemi
VSP , TEV 1995 New trends in probability and statistics v. 3
: VSP , : TEV
editors, F. Schweiger and E. Manstavičius
VSP , TEV 1992 New trends in probability and statistics v. 2
editors, V. V. Sazonov and T. Shervashidze
VSP , Mokslas 1991 New trends in probability and statistics v. 1