This third volume in a series of comparative economic handbooks examines the theory and practice of monetary policy in the United States and in the world's leading industrial or G-7 countries (the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan and Canada). The chapters in this volume have been written by some of the world's most renowned experts in the field of monetary economics, and they present a comprehensive comparative study of such policies. Thus, this handbook should be of use to students of monetary economics in general, and should also provide a useful source of reference and comparison to economists, policymakers and the general informed public.
- Part 1 Major issues: monetary policy and the money supply process, R.H. Rasche
- monetary policy and economic activity, R.T. Froyen
- monetary policy and inflation, E.J. Bomhoff
- monetary policy and reputation, K. Blackburn
- monetary policy and bank regulation, A.M. Santomero. Part 2 US monetary policy: the US central banking experience - a historical perspective, E. Wicker
- conduct of US monetary policy, R.E. Lombra. Part 3 Monetary policy in the other G-7 countries: Germany, M.J.M. Neumann and J. von Hagen
- France, J. Melitz
- Italy, F. Spinelli and P. Tirelli
- the United Kingdom, P. Minford
- Japan, S. Ichimura
- Canada, P.W. Howitt
- monetary policy co-ordination in the European Monetary System, J. von Hagen.
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