- 巻冊次
v. 1 ISBN 9780253328571
""To read these 167 reviews and critical essays is to discover how catholic and wide-ranging were Howells's literary interests and how perceptive and generous were his sympathies."" -- The New Criterion
.."". this selection of [Howell's] best and most important criticism reveals the author's clarity, perception, generosity, and good faith."" -- Reference & Research Book News
.."". the editors have succeeded admirably in creating a rounded portrait of a man whose criticism, like the realism he championed, was polysided, multifarious, and dialectical."" -- American Literature
These volumes present 167 reviews and critical essays by America's most prominent early advocate of literary realism.
Volume I: 1859-1885Text selections and Introduction by Ulrich Halfmann
Volume II: 1886-1897Text selections and Introduction by Donald Pizer
Volume III: 1898-1920Text selections and Introduction by Ronald Gottesman
3-volume set, cloth 100ドル.00 0-253-32860-8 Cat's Code WDSETC 87.99
- Vol. 1 Introduction Reviews and Essays 1859 1. A Book Read Yesterday 1860 2. HawthorneOs OMarble FaunO 3. Bardic Symbols 4. [WhitmanOs Leaves of Grass] 5. [Poets and Poetry of the West] 6. Some Western Poets of To-Day. Wm. Wallace Harney 1865 7. [Recent Italian Comedy] 1865 8. Drum-Taps 9. Concerning Timothy Titcomb 10. Our Mutual Friend 1866 ll. Literary Criticism 12. [Slavery in M.L. PutnamOs Novel] 13. [Charles ReadeOs Remarkable Novel] 1867 14. [LowellOs Biglow Papers] 15. [MelvilleOs Battle-Pieces] 16. [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow] 17. Mr. LongfellowOs Translation of the Divine Comedy 18. [De DorestOs Miss Ravenel] 19. [Literature and Its Professors] 20. [EmersonOs Poetry] 21. [J.G. HollandOs Feeble Poetic Fancy] 1868 22. [George William Curtis] 23. The New Taste in Theatricals 24. [Mark TwainOs Innocents Abroad] 25. Mr. LowellOs New Poem 1870 26. [T.B. AldrichOs Bad Boy] 27. [William Makepeace Thackeray] 28. [BjornsonOs Fiction] 29. [Bret HarteOs Fiction] 30. [RossettiOs Poetry] 31. [Ralph KeelerOs Adventures] 1871 32. [Sylvester JuddOs New England Romance] 33. [John WoolmanOs Journal] 34. [Joaquin MillerOs Verses] 1872 35. [Taine and the Science of Art-History] 36. [Three Recent American Works of Fiction] 37. [HawthorneOs French and Italian Notebooks] 38. [Mark TwainOs Roughing It] 1873 39. [ForsterOs Biography of Dickens] 40. [TurgenevOs Novel of Russian Life] 41. [Robert BrowningOs Antic Night-Cap Poem] 42. [HeineOs Fantastic Attitudes] 43. [TurgenevOs Study of Character] 44. [BryantOs Orations and Addresses] 45. [The Perfection of LongfellowOs Poetry] 1874 46. [LandorOs Poetic Conceits] 47. [EgglestonOs Story of Backwoods Ohio] 48. [AldrichOs New England Romance] 49. [J.W. De Forest: The Only American Novelist] 1875 50. [The Abounding Charm of Bret HarteOs Poetry] 51. [Henry JamesOs Marvelous First Book] 52. [Miss WoolsonOs Lake-Country Sketches] 53. [The Quaintness of William MorrisOs Poems] 54. [Mark TwainOs Sketches, Old and New] 1876 55. [The Genius of LongfellowOs Art] 56. [BrowningOs Formless Melodrama] 57. [Mark TwainOs BoysO Book] 1877 58. [LowellOs Complete Poetical Works] 59. [Sarah Orne JewettOs Sketches of Local Life] 1878 60. [J.J. Piatt: A Poet of Genuine Promise] 61. [Henry JamesOs Essays on French Authors] 1879 62. [W.H. BishopOs Blending of Romance and Novel] 63. [TrollopeOs Lucubrations on Thackeray] 1880 64. DickensOs Letters 65. JamesOs Hawthorne 66. Mark TwainOs New Book 67. A New Observer 68. Goldwin SmithOs Cowper 69. Mr. AldrichOs Fiction 1882 70. Mark Twain 71. Henry James, Jr. 1883 72. Maurice Thompson and His Poems 1884 73. The Bread-Winners 74. Two Notable Novels Notes to the Texts Textual Apparatus Textual Commentary Commentaries and Lists Word-Division List B List of Authors and Titles Reviewed Vol. 2 Contents Introduction Part One: Essays from the OEditorOs StudyO (1886-1892) 1886 1. [The New OStudyO and the Use of American English] 2. [American English
- W.H. White
- Balzac
- American Criticism] 3. [Literary Genius
- GrantOs Memoris] 4. [John Fiske and Leo Tolstoy] 5. [StevensonOs and HawthorneOs Romances
- Balzac
- Realism] 6. [Henry Harland
- American Theater
- Principles of Criticism] 7. [Dostoyevsky and the More Smiling Aspects of Life] 8. [Thomas Hardy and Juan Valera] 1887 9. [False and Truthful Fiction
- Henry James] 10. [The Truthfulness of Mark TwainOs Fiction] 11. [Literary Criticism] 12. [Tolstoy] 13. [Standards and Taste in Fiction
- Mary E. Wilkins] 14. [W.H. White and EmersonOs OWorth of the VulgarO] 15. [The Grasshopper: The Simple, the Natural, the Honest in Art] 1888 16. [The Progress of Fiction
- Octave Thanet] 17. [Emerson, Whitman, and Tolstoy] 18. [ZolOs La Terre and Tolstoy] 19. [Laurence Gronlund] 20. [Joseph Kirkland and Edward Bellamy] 21. [Matthew Arnold and ODistinctionO in America] 22. [Henry JamesOs Recent Stories] 23. [The New Christmas Literature] 1889 24. [Whitman, Eggleston, and Bjornson] 25. [Scott, Meredith, and Ibsen] 26. [Propriety in Fiction] 27. [Modern Romanticism] 28. [Palacio Valdes, Realism, and Effectism] 1890 29. [Mark TwainOs Connecticut Yankee and Popular Taste] 30. [Frtant Allen and the OCharacter NovelO] 31. [Anonymity in Literary Criticism] 32. [Henry JamesOs Modernity] 33. [Frederic, Kipking, Verga, and Tolstoy
- Henley] 1891 34. [Emily DickinsonOs Poems] 35. [Abraham LincolnOs Biography] 36. [Mary E. WilkinsOs Short Stories] 37. [William James and Jhalmar Boyesen] 38. [Decency in Modern Fiction and Drama
- Fitch, Jones and Herne] 39. [Short Story Collections: Hamlin Garland] 40. [A National American Literature] 1892 41. [Farewell to teh OStudyO: Curtis, Warner, and Realism Part Two: Essays from HarperOs Weekly (1895-1897) 1895 42. Degeneration 43. The Ibsen Influence 44. [Fuller, Townsend, Nevinson, Zangwill, Conrad, and Murfree] 45. [Dialect in Literature] 46. [Henry James and George Moore] 47. [Thomas HardyOs Jude the Obscure] 1896 48. [PineroOs The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith] 49. [GarlandOs Rose of DutcherOs Coolly] 50. [Mark TwainOs Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc] 1897 51. [Mark Twain] 52. [HenleyOs Edition of BryonOs Works] Part Three: Miscellaneous Essays (1890-1897) 1890 53. [Giovanni VergaOs The House by the Medlar-Tree] 1893 54. The Cliff-Dwellers 1894 55. My Literary Passions 1896 56. [Benito Perez Galdos] 57. New York Low Life in Fiction 58. Paul Laurence Dunbar 1897 59. My Favorite Novelist and His Best Book Part Four: Criticism and Fiction (1891) EditorOs Introduction 60. Criticism and Fiction Notes to the Texts Textual Apparatus Textual Commentary Commentaries and Lists Tables of Correspondences: Criticism and Fiction Word-Division List B List of Authors and Titles Reviewed Vol. 3 Contents Introduction Part One: Essays from Literature (1898-1899) 1898 1. Chicago in Fiction 1899 2. RosenfeldOs Songs from the Ghetto 3. A Case in Point 4. An Opportunity for American Fiction 5. A Question of Propriety Part Two: Essays from the North American Review (1900-1912) 1900 6. The New Historical Romances 1901 7. Mark Twain: An Inquiry 8. Professor Barrett WendellOs Notions of American Literature 1902 9. Emile Zola 10. Frank Norris 1903 11. Mr. Henry JamesOs Later Work 12. The Personality of Hawthorne 1905 13. John Hay in Literature 1906 14. Henrik Ibsen 1908 15. Lyof N. Tolstoy 1909 16. The Novels of Robert Herrick 1912 17. Mr. GarlandOs Books Part Three: Essays from HarperOs Monthly (1902-1919) 1902 18. [A Dickens Revival] 19. [Samuel Richardson] 20. [George Eliot] 1904 21. [Autobiographies: R.H. Stoddard and J.T. Trowbridge] 1909 22. [The Art of Autobiography] 1911 23. [Arnold BennettOs Fiction] 24. [The Functions of the Critic] 1913 25. [PaineOs Life of Mark Twain] 1918 26. [Mark TwainOs and John HolmesO Letters] 1919 27. {The Saturday Club] Part Four: Miscellaneous Essays (1898-1909) 1898 28. Edward Bellamy 1899 29. Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 1900 30. Mr. Charles W. ChesnuttOs Stories 1902 31. What Should Girls Read? 1903 32. The Last Work of Frank Norris 33. Impressions of Emerson 1909 34. Edgar Allan Poe Notes to the Texts Textual Apparatus Textual Commentary Commentaries and Lists Word-Division List B List of Authors and Titles Reviewed
- 巻冊次
v. 2 ISBN 9780253328588
- Vol. 1 Introduction Reviews and Essays 1859 1. A Book Read Yesterday 1860 2. Hawthorne's "Marble Faun" 3. Bardic Symbols 4. [Whitman's Leaves of Grass] 5. [Poets and Poetry of the West] 6. Some Western Poets of To-Day. Wm. Wallace Harney 1865 7. [Recent Italian Comedy] 1865 8. Drum-Taps 9. Concerning Timothy Titcomb 10. Our Mutual Friend 1866 ll. Literary Criticism 12. [Slavery in M.L. Putnam's Novel] 13. [Charles Reade's Remarkable Novel] 1867 14. [Lowell's Biglow Papers] 15. [Melville's Battle-Pieces] 16. [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow] 17. Mr. Longfellow's Translation of the Divine Comedy 18. [De Dorest's Miss Ravenel] 19. [Literature and Its Professors] 20. [Emerson's Poetry] 21. [J.G. Holland's Feeble Poetic Fancy] 1868 22. [George William Curtis] 23. The New Taste in Theatricals 24. [Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad] 25. Mr. Lowell's New Poem 1870 26. [T.B. Aldrich's Bad Boy] 27. [William Makepeace Thackeray] 28. [Bjornson's Fiction] 29. [Bret Harte's Fiction] 30. [Rossetti's Poetry] 31. [Ralph Keeler's Adventures] 1871 32. [Sylvester Judd's New England Romance] 33. [John Woolman's Journal] 34. [Joaquin Miller's Verses] 1872 35. [Taine and the Science of Art-History] 36. [Three Recent American Works of Fiction] 37. [Hawthorne's French and Italian Notebooks] 38. [Mark Twain's Roughing It] 1873 39. [Forster's Biography of Dickens] 40. [Turgenev's Novel of Russian Life] 41. [Robert Browning's Antic Night-Cap Poem] 42. [Heine's Fantastic Attitudes] 43. [Turgenev's Study of Character] 44. [Bryant's Orations and Addresses] 45. [The Perfection of Longfellow's Poetry] 1874 46. [Landor's Poetic Conceits] 47. [Eggleston's Story of Backwoods Ohio] 48. [Aldrich's New England Romance] 49. [J.W. De Forest: The Only American Novelist] 1875 50. [The Abounding Charm of Bret Harte's Poetry] 51. [Henry James's Marvelous First Book] 52. [Miss Woolson's Lake-Country Sketches] 53. [The Quaintness of William Morris's Poems] 54. [Mark Twain's Sketches, Old and New] 1876 55. [The Genius of Longfellow's Art] 56. [Browning's Formless Melodrama] 57. [Mark Twain's Boys' Book] 1877 58. [Lowell's Complete Poetical Works] 59. [Sarah Orne Jewett's Sketches of Local Life] 1878 60. [J.J. Piatt: A Poet of Genuine Promise] 61. [Henry James's Essays on French Authors] 1879 62. [W.H. Bishop's Blending of Romance and Novel] 63. [Trollope's Lucubrations on Thackeray] 1880 64. Dickens's Letters 65. James's Hawthorne 66. Mark Twain's New Book 67. A New Observer 68. Goldwin Smith's Cowper 69. Mr. Aldrich's Fiction 1882 70. Mark Twain 71. Henry James, Jr. 1883 72. Maurice Thompson and His Poems 1884 73. The Bread-Winners 74. Two Notable Novels Notes to the Texts Textual Apparatus Textual Commentary Commentaries and Lists Word-Division List B List of Authors and Titles Reviewed Vol. 2 Contents Introduction Part One: Essays from the OEditorOs StudyO (1886-1892) 1886 1. [The New OStudyO and the Use of American English] 2. [American English
- W.H. White
- Balzac
- American Criticism] 3. [Literary Genius
- GrantOs Memoris] 4. [John Fiske and Leo Tolstoy] 5. [StevensonOs and HawthorneOs Romances
- Balzac
- Realism] 6. [Henry Harland
- American Theater
- Principles of Criticism] 7. [Dostoyevsky and the More Smiling Aspects of Life] 8. [Thomas Hardy and Juan Valera] 1887 9. [False and Truthful Fiction
- Henry James] 10. [The Truthfulness of Mark TwainOs Fiction] 11. [Literary Criticism] 12. [Tolstoy] 13. [Standards and Taste in Fiction
- Mary E. Wilkins] 14. [W.H. White and EmersonOs OWorth of the VulgarO] 15. [The Grasshopper: The Simple, the Natural, the Honest in Art] 1888 16. [The Progress of Fiction
- Octave Thanet] 17. [Emerson, Whitman, and Tolstoy] 18. [ZolOs La Terre and Tolstoy] 19. [Laurence Gronlund] 20. [Joseph Kirkland and Edward Bellamy] 21. [Matthew Arnold and ODistinctionO in America] 22. [Henry JamesOs Recent Stories] 23. [The New Christmas Literature] 1889 24. [Whitman, Eggleston, and Bjornson] 25. [Scott, Meredith, and Ibsen] 26. [Propriety in Fiction] 27. [Modern Romanticism] 28. [Palacio Valdes, Realism, and Effectism] 1890 29. [Mark TwainOs Connecticut Yankee and Popular Taste] 30. [Frtant Allen and the OCharacter NovelO] 31. [Anonymity in Literary Criticism] 32. [Henry JamesOs Modernity] 33. [Frederic, Kipking, Verga, and Tolstoy
- Henley] 1891 34. [Emily DickinsonOs Poems] 35. [Abraham LincolnOs Biography] 36. [Mary E. WilkinsOs Short Stories] 37. [William James and Jhalmar Boyesen] 38. [Decency in Modern Fiction and Drama
- Fitch, Jones and Herne] 39. [Short Story Collections: Hamlin Garland] 40. [A National American Literature] 1892 41. [Farewell to teh OStudyO: Curtis, Warner, and Realism Part Two: Essays from HarperOs Weekly (1895-1897) 1895 42. Degeneration 43. The Ibsen Influence 44. [Fuller, Townsend, Nevinson, Zangwill, Conrad, and Murfree] 45. [Dialect in Literature] 46. [Henry James and George Moore] 47. [Thomas HardyOs Jude the Obscure] 1896 48. [PineroOs The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith] 49. [GarlandOs Rose of DutcherOs Coolly] 50. [Mark TwainOs Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc] 1897 51. [Mark Twain] 52. [HenleyOs Edition of BryonOs Works] Part Three: Miscellaneous Essays (1890-1897) 1890 53. [Giovanni VergaOs The House by the Medlar-Tree] 1893 54. The Cliff-Dwellers 1894 55. My Literary Passions 1896 56. [Benito Perez Galdos] 57. New York Low Life in Fiction 58. Paul Laurence Dunbar 1897 59. My Favorite Novelist and His Best Book Part Four: Criticism and Fiction (1891) EditorOs Introduction 60. Criticism and Fiction Notes to the Texts Textual Apparatus Textual Commentary Commentaries and Lists Tables of Correspondences: Criticism and Fiction Word-Division List B List of Authors and Titles Reviewed Vol. 3 Contents Introduction Part One: Essays from Literature (1898-1899) 1898 1. Chicago in Fiction 1899 2. RosenfeldOs Songs from the Ghetto 3. A Case in Point 4. An Opportunity for American Fiction 5. A Question of Propriety Part Two: Essays from the North American Review (1900-1912) 1900 6. The New Historical Romances 1901 7. Mark Twain: An Inquiry 8. Professor Barrett WendellOs Notions of American Literature 1902 9. Emile Zola 10. Frank Norris 1903 11. Mr. Henry JamesOs Later Work 12. The Personality of Hawthorne 1905 13. John Hay in Literature 1906 14. Henrik Ibsen 1908 15. Lyof N. Tolstoy 1909 16. The Novels of Robert Herrick 1912 17. Mr. GarlandOs Books Part Three: Essays from HarperOs Monthly (1902-1919) 1902 18. [A Dickens Revival] 19. [Samuel Richardson] 20. [George Eliot] 1904 21. [Autobiographies: R.H. Stoddard and J.T. Trowbridge] 1909 22. [The Art of Autobiography] 1911 23. [Arnold BennettOs Fiction] 24. [The Functions of the Critic] 1913 25. [PaineOs Life of Mark Twain] 1918 26. [Mark TwainOs and John HolmesO Letters] 1919 27. {The Saturday Club] Part Four: Miscellaneous Essays (1898-1909) 1898 28. Edward Bellamy 1899 29. Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 1900 30. Mr. Charles W. ChesnuttOs Stories 1902 31. What Should Girls Read? 1903 32. The Last Work of Frank Norris 33. Impressions of Emerson 1909 34. Edgar Allan Poe Notes to the Texts Textual Apparatus Textual Commentary Commentaries and Lists Word-Division List B List of Authors and Titles Reviewed
- 巻冊次
v. 3 ISBN 9780253328595
""To read these 167 reviews and critical essays is to discover how catholic and wide-ranging were Howells's literary interests and how perceptive and generous were his sympathies."" -- The New Criterion
.."". this selection of [Howell's] best and most important criticism reveals the author's clarity, perception, generosity, and good faith."" -- Reference & Research Book News
.."". the editors have succeeded admirably in creating a rounded portrait of a man whose criticism, like the realism he championed, was polysided, multifarious, and dialectical."" -- American Literature
These volumes present 167 reviews and critical essays by America's most prominent early advocate of literary realism.
Volume I: 1859-1885Text selections and Introduction by Ulrich Halfmann
Volume II: 1886-1897Text selections and Introduction by Donald Pizer
Volume III: 1898-1920Text selections and Introduction by Ronald Gottesman
3-volume set, cloth 100ドル.00 0-253-32860-8 Cat's Code WDSETC 87.99
- 巻冊次
: set ISBN 9780253328601
To read these 167 reviews and critical essays is to discover how catholic and wide-ranging were Howells's literary interests and how perceptive and generous were his sympathies. -- The New Criterion... this selection of [Howell's] best and most important criticism reveals the author's clarity, perception, generosity, and good faith. -- Reference & Research Book News... the editors have succeeded admirably in creating a rounded portrait of a man whose criticism, like the realism he championed, was polysided, multifarious, and dialectical. -- American LiteratureThese volumes present 167 reviews and critical essays by America's most prominent early advocate of literary realism.Volume I: 1859-1885Text selections and Introduction by Ulrich HalfmannVolume II: 1886-1897Text selections and Introduction by Donald PizerVolume III: 1898-1920Text selections and Introduction by Ronald Gottesman3-volume set, cloth 100ドル.00 0-253-32860-8 Cat's Code WDSETC 87.99
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