The logic of priorities : applications in business, energy, health, and transportation . Analytical planning : the organization of systems
Thomas L. Saaty, Luis G. Vargas . by Thomas L. Saaty and Kevin P. Kearns
(The analytic hierarchy process series, v. 3-4)
RWS publications, c1985, 1991
The logic of priorities : applications of the analytic hierarchy process in business, energy, health & transportation
: pbk3000057505
Includes bibliographies and indexes
2 vol. in 1
First edition printed in 1982 by Kluwer-Nijhoff publishing, Boston, under the title : The Logic of priorities : applications in business, energy, health, and transportation
First edition 1985 by Pergamon press, Oxford under the title : Analytica planning : the organization of systems
RWS publications