With this collection of his work, the editors provide a guide book to Courtney's philosophy. Courtney discusses self-directed learning and theoretical work in educational drama. He shows how the metaphors created by drama students can transform their personal views, and argues for the validity of each student's perspective of the curriculum. He explains how the emotion that children experience through drama is based on identification, drawing on examples of the Egyptian God Thoth. The book is intended for drama teachers and those working with drama as a therapeutic medium, as well as philosophers, anthropologists, linguists and the educated general reader.
- Part 1 Courtney as anthropologist: islands of remorse - Amerindian education in the contemporary world. Part 2 Courtney as critic: the fiction of drama
- mind play - child audiences and theatre. Part 3 Courtney as futurist: who will press the button? arts education, human values and the future environment
- Columbus here and now. Part 4 Courtney as historian: arts education in Canada
- drama - past and future. Part 5 Courtney as philosopher: Aristotle's legacy - emotion as related to theatre and children
- emergents. Part 6 Courtney as Professor: to Currick (verb insubstantive)
- please be comprehensive! or what's a meta-phor?. Part 7 Courtney as aesthetic psychologist
- a dramatic theory of imagination
- making up one's mind - aesthetic questions about children and theatre. Part 8 Courtney as ritologist: mirrors - sociological theatre/theatrical sociology
- re-cognition - sport, play and intuition. Part 9 Courtney as performance theorist: human performance - meaning and knowledge
- pace and timing - qualities of generic skills. Part 10 Courtney as taxonomist: the rarest dream - play, drama and thought revisited
- on dramatic instruction - towards a taxonomy of methods. Part 11 Courtney as therapist: the medium is the missile - arts therapy in the electric age
- a whole theory for drama therapy. Part 12 Courtney as Vaudevillian: top of the bill - McLuhan and the music hall or who's the top banana?
- Pirandello's influence on education - an interview with Richard Courtney.
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