The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
Cooper Square Publishers, 1963-
v. 1-2319.53//B00005354618,
v. 1-290001699280, v. 1-2317/B34/1-2205151500019, 金沢大学 附属図書館 中央図書庫 v. 1-2319.5:A512:1-28301-83089-1, v. 1-2319.53||B34||1111328169, v. 1-2319.53|A512|1963T001672, OPAC v. 1-2319.53||A44||1,22:97159166,
v. 1-2319.5||1-2||40T00428727*,
v. 1-2K/319/527/1-20000134072, 東京大学 駒場図書館 アメ v. 1-2923.2:A51:v.1,23700167103, v. 1-2317.9A||26||v.1,20205210,
v. 1-2319.5||2||v,1,2||A0330517,
v. 1-2253||B34||1〜211864552, v. 1-2Nd:805:1-21285099562, v. 1-2319:B-341096107116, v. 1-10: editor: Samuel Flagg Bemis ; advisory board: J. Franklin Jameson, H. Barrett Learned, Jemes Brown Scott 子書誌あり Warren I. Cohen
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 19
所蔵館8館 by Gaddis Smith
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 16
所蔵館20館 by G. Bernard Noble
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 18
所蔵館11館 by Louis L. Gerson
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 17
所蔵館22館 by Robert H. Ferrell
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 15
所蔵館19館 by Richard L. Walker . by George Curry
Cooper Square Pub.
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 14
所蔵館15館 Julius W. Pratt
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 12-13
v. 1 , v. 2
所蔵館22館 by Robert H. Ferrell
Cooper Square Publishers
The American secretaries of state and their diplomacy
v. 11
関連文献: 8件中 1-8を表示