Novel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Fermionic Systems are badly needed in high energy and solid state physics. At this workshop the newest developments in this direction were presented, in particular those concerning multi-grid techniques, cluster algorithms and massively parallel implementations.
Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm on the connection machine, A.D.Kennedy
QCD on the iPSC/860, C.Bernard et al
acceptances and autocorrelations in the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm, S.Gupta
topology and SU(2) lattice gauge theory with dynamical Wilson fermions, B.Jozefini et al
parallelization of the worldline quantum Monte Carlo method, J.Gubernaltis and W.R.Somsky
quantum Monte Carlo simulations for the three-band hubbard model, G.Dopf et al
Monte Carlo diagonalization of very large matrices - application to fermion systems, H.De Raedt and W.von der Linden
off-diagonal long range order in an electron-phonon model for high-Tc superconductors, M.Frick et al
blockspin and multigrid for staggered fermions in non-abelian gauge fields, T.Kakreuter et al
parallel-transported multigrid beats conjugate gradient, S.Solomon and P.G. Lauwers
multigrid inversion of the staggered fermion matrix with U (1) and SU (2) gauge fields, A.Hulsebos et al
calculating the quark propagators using the migdal-kadanoff transformation, V. Vyas
application of monomer-dimer alogorithms in strong coupling QCD, J.Fingberg
a geometrical view of the minus sign problem, A.Muramatsu et al
kernel control of complex Langevin simulation, L.Schulke and B.Zheng
cluster Monte Carlo algorithms in statistical mechanics, J.S. Wang
cluster algorithms for nonlinear sigma models, U.Wolff
an efficient algorithm for cluster upates in Z (2) lattice gauge theories, B.Bunk
cluster algorithms for surfaces, H.G.Evertz et al.