This book is based on the workshop that kickstarted the NATO Science Committee Special Programme on Advanced Educational Technology. We invited the leaders in the field to attend this inaugural meeting and were delighted by the quality of the attendance, the papers delivered at the workshop and this book. Many of the authors have subsequently run other meetings funded by the Special Programme and have, or are in the process of, editing books which focus on particular topics. This book covers all the major themes in the area ranging from fundamental theoretical work to empirical studies of state of the art technological innovations. Tim O'Shea chaired the NATO Survey Group which planned the Programme and the subsequent Panel which disbursed funds in the first two years of the Programme. He would like to thank the other group and panel members, namely, Professor N Balacheff, Professor D Bjomer, Professor H Bouma, Professor P C Duchastel, Professor A Dias de Figueiredo, Dr D Jonassen and Professor T Liao. He would like to offer his special thanks to Dr L V da Cunha the NATO Programme Director for his unfailing support and patience.
Eileen Scanlon was the Director of the Workshop which is the basis of this book. She offers heartfelt thanks to the contributors and to the following who provided practical help with the meeting or the production of this book: Mrs Pauline Adams, Dr Mike Baker, Mrs Kathy Evans, Mrs Patricia Roe, Mr Dave Perry and Ms Fiona Spensley.
1 Instructional Systems Need Instructional Theory: Comments on a Truism.- 2 Toward a Design Science of Education.- 3 A Workbench for Discovering Task Specific Theories of Learning.- 4 Computers in Teaching and Learning: An Interpretation of Current Practices and Suggestions for Future Directions.- 5 New Directions for Educational Technology.- 6 Formative Experiments on the Coevolution of Technology and the Educational Environment.- 7 Towards Intelligent Tutoring Systems that Teach Knowledge Rather than Skills: Five Research Questions.- 8 The Present and Future of Intelligent Tutoring Systems.- 9 Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Navigating the Rocky Road to Success.- 10 Designing Hypertext for Learning.- 11 A Prototype Futuristic Technology for Distance Education.- 12 Tools for Scientific Thinking: Learning Physical Concepts with Real-Time Laboratory Measurement Tools.- 13 Constructing Student Knowledge in Science.- 14 Technology for All Pupils: An English School System Context.- 15 Research in Advanced Educational Technology: Two Methods.- 16 Towards More Versatile Tutors for Programming.- 17 Problem Solving and Explanation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Issues for Future Research.- 18 Mental Models and Understanding: A Problem for Science Education.- 19 A Microworld-Based Approach to Science Education.- Biographies.
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