This collection of reprints describes a unified treatment of semantics, covering a wide range of notions in parallel languages. Included are several foundational and introductory papers developing the methodology of metric semantics, studies on the comparative semantics of parallel object-oriented and logic programming, and papers on full abstraction and transition system specifications. In addition, links with process algebra and the theory of domain equations are established. Throughout, a uniform proof technique is used to relate operational and denotational models. The approach is flexible in that both linear time, branching time (or bisimulation) and intermediate models can be handled, as well as schematic and interpreted elementary actions. The reprints are preceded by an extensive introduction surveying related work on metric semantics.
- General techniques - processes and the denotational semantics of concurrency, J.W.de Bakker and J.I.Zucker
- solving reflexive domain equations in a category of complete metric spaces, P.America and J.Rutten
- a convergence theorem in process algebra, J.A.Bergstra and J.W.Klop
- semantics of parallel object-oriented languages - denotational semantics of a parallel object-oriented language, P.America et al
- semantics of parallel logic languages - from failure to success - comparing a denotational and a declarative semantics for horn clause logic, F.S. de Boer et al
- further topics - deriving denotational models for bisimulation from structured operational semantics, J.J.M.M.Rutten. (Part Contents)
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