Kali, it is told, sprang forth armed from the brow of the Great Goddess Durga during a battle to annihilate demonic male power. Although she is often presented as cruel and horrific, with her lolling red tongue and necklace of severed heads, Kali is creator and nurturer, the essence of Mother-love and feminine energy.
In India, worship of the goddess in her multiple forms, and the vision of the sacred as woman have never ceased. Now, the image of Kali has begun to appear in new contexts as men and women look beyond outworn stereotypes.
Using the powerful imagery of paintings, sculptures and writings, Ajit Mookerjee, the distinguished author of Kundalini: The Arousal of the Inner Energy, presents a celebration of Kali and an exploration of the rich meanings of feminine divinity.
- Sakti-worship
- feminine divinity
- feminine force
- manifestations of Kali
- divine mother
- supreme reality
- Kalighat paintings
- hymns to Kali.
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