Nationalism lies at the core of the history of the twentieth century. This volume provides a unique insight into the history, and contemporary experience, of modern nationalism, drawing on a wealth of examples from a broad geographical range. The volume is largely drawn from papers which have appeared in the Journal of Contemporary History (volume 26, issue 3/4).
Preface - Jehuda Reinharz and George L Mosse
Anti-Modernization, National Character and Social Structure - Irving Louis Horowitz
On the Pleasure of Reading Diplomatic Correspondence - Gordon A Craig
Rosenzweig and the - Paul Mendes-Flohr
A Non-Zionist Alliance
Martin van Creveld
Richard Breitman - The Clausewitzian Universe and the Law of War
Leni Yahil - Himmler and the `Terrible Secret' among the Executioners
A Comparison of Danish and German Nationalism - Natonal Pride and Defeat
Stanley G Payne
Shlomo Ben-Ami - Nationalism, Regionalism and Micronationalism in Spain
Bernard Lewis - Basque Nationalism between Archaism and Modernity
Barry Rubin - Watan
The Ideological Dream as Compelling Force - Pan-Arab Nationalism
Yaacov Shavit
Fin-de-Si[gr]ecle - The `Glorious Century' or the `Cursed Century'
Europe and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Nationalism
Billie Melman
Claiming the Nation's Past
Zvi Yavetz - The Invention of an Anglo-Saxon Tradition
An Eyewitness Note
Michael Confino - Reflections on the Romanian Iron Guard
Solzhenitsyn, the West, and the New Russian Nationalism
Marxism and Nationalism - Shlomo Avineri
European Jewry and the Consolidation of Zionism - Jehuda Reinharz
The Jews and the Civic Religion of Nationalism - George L Mosse
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